Bored with the internet

Not a blog, but this is the best place for me to write my thoughts down I think.

This is something that I have been noticing a lot the last year or so. I think I am bored with the internet
I read so much news, reddit, forums. I can burn through my entire days of reading in like 30 mins. It used to take me hours to get bored within a given day, but more and more recently I read everything so fast I have nothing to do on the web.

I think the excess of info has finally gotten to me, when I have so much to do and when people get used to something, they often get bored. I think this has happened to me. Not bashing this site, but when I first joined I could spend hours on this forum reading and replying to people. Now I check it maybe a few times a day and don't reply as often as I had.

Same with Reddit, it used to keep be busy for hours, now not so much, Maybe an hour max if I haven't used it in a few days and there are a lot of new links.

Ok I am not asking for help per se about how to not be bored. But I wouldn't mind. Also do others experience roughly what I am describing?


Try doing something else then.


Yeah, this happens to me from time to time.

Looks like you need to un-plug for awhile. Go spend a week or to in the woods/nature and unwind.


Go into politics and take over the world?


I do, I hope it doesn't seem like I sit at my computer bored for hours haha.
It's just a bummer that this thing I used to find so interesting is no longer holding my attention very well anymore.

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If only I could get that much time off

People get tired of things. Get new hobbies. I can't count the number of things that I actively have an interest in, and I switch between which one gets my attention and my time as necessary.


declare insanity. profit.

And this is bad ?
Also I have the same "problem" in my case the correct answer is: get a life :slight_smile:


Easier said than done.

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Bloody tell me about it :confused:

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I do have a life, a pretty good one :slight_smile:

I find things like cooking and gardening are great ways to spend time. I'm about to go out for a bike ride to no where in particular.

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Sweet, so I am not sure why it's a problem you get bored of reading news, that basically is adding nothing to your life ?

It isn't a huge problem of course. But it's still a bummer to not be as interested in a once enjoyable pass time.
Also I do think reading news adds to my life, I like to know what is going on in the world.

+1 Don't bother wasting time online.

Information overload ? Or what feeling do you get exactly when reading stuff ?

same here, I used to watch a lot of documentary and do my own research. Now I gain more from re-reading the same book than going into endless stream of info.

The internet in many ways is boring. I often just see it now as a money generating machine for companies to take away my cash. I have stayed off it more lately making sure that when I am on it I don't do anything more than I want to do. For instance I was wasting way too much time doing surveys that were not paying well and I have replaced that time with me watching hockey games, playing cards, going back to the track for once, and so on. I also have to say I am very thankful to whoever it was that told me to stop shit posting. That took up loads of time and while at times I was just trying to have a laugh and maybe have others have a laugh it wasn't worth it for the amount of grief I was getting from it too. As for doing other things I would say also take a look at things you are not doing that you may be putting off because they are too hard or too time consuming. I know I do that. I am not saying you do but just take a look at that. Best of luck with things.


Sound like an old man.