Bitcoin Isn't Money - According to Florida Judge

According to a judge from Florida, Bitcoin will not be recognized as currency. A lot of media is saying this is a "blow" to the Bitcoin community, but isn't that sort of the point of Bitcoin? It's not a regulated currency. If anything, this - to me - solidifies the legitimacy behind its origins.


Bitcoin is not money. I can work with that...
Why is the € a currency? Why is the $ a currency?
Because: _______
It is backed of with some wierd metal that for some reason is precious in the social sense.
If my first approach is not the one to justifie € & $: Since when is age a reason for something?

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Nixon did away with the Gold standard though in the US, so our money is pretty much less valuable and just paperweight in a way.

As far as metals that are valuable to us, shouldn't it be based on it's known abundance (or lack of). For example, Gold is rarer than Nickel, so thus, it's more valuable. Unless you count what is required to live.


Would this count as setting a precedent and thus making Bitcoin more interesting as now it is not open to tax and everything else that regular curreny is?

Time to take it back to the black market bit coin is legit again.


This is exactly my thought. I'm not heavily into the Bitcoin trade, but I would have imagined that this would cause the value of Bitcoin to rise due to it not being a federally recognized currency.

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No No is currency because the governing central bank (in any given country) says it is legal tender, it is backed by nothing but good will of the country to accept it as their currency, money (in any country that has a central banking system (almost every country on the planet)) has no value other than a perceived value by the people using the currency and the value the central bank says it has



Currency in America has been worthless for a long time. Semi-related topic, anyone else here seen this video? It's pretty enlightening


It's not just America, 99.9% of the world has a central banking system, other than a couple small islands can you guess the countries that do not have a central banking system? (I'll give you a hint there are 3 and North Korea is one)

But to be on topic if the ownership of Bitcoin was somehow transferred over to a central banking system it would become legitimate global digital currency almost over night, but there is no need for it in the bankers eyes, it subverts their system and control so will never be allowed to prosper.

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Iran and Cuba are the other 2 I assume.

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Wow, that was totally worth the watch.

Yup, funny how we wage war in a country (Afghanistan, Iraq) and one of the first things that happen is a central bank is charted,,,,weird how things work. (and yes I know they do it on the premise that it's to stabilize the currency but it's funny how the country didn't have a central bank...POW! we go in and wage war and they get a new banking system as a present)


That is what I have been thinking for a long time made into a video.

The only things in life that are certain are death and taxes. They will tax you on it regardless.


I know, guess this is suppose to be their idea of a "Democracy", let a handful of people dictate what is valuable. Yeah, early 2000's there were like 7 countries, now only three, the next 4 to have the central banks was Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya and Syria, guess which ones the United Nations (This includes America and the EU) stuck their noses in.

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I find these quotes to pretty well paint the picture...

"The real truth of the matter is,as you and I know, that a financial
element in the large centers has owned the government ever since
the days of Andrew Jackson… -Franklin D. Roosevelt

(in a letter to Colonel House, dated November 21, 1933)"

“The few who understand the system, will either be so interested from its profits or so dependent on its favors, that there will be no opposition from that class.” . . . “Let me issue and control a nation’s money and I care not who writes the laws.” – Mayer Amschel Bauer Rothschild, 1744-1812

“If the American people ever allow private banks to control the issue of their currency, first by inflation, then by deflation, the banks…will deprive the people of all property until their children wake-up homeless on the continent their fathers conquered…. The issuing power should be taken from the banks and restored to the people, to whom it properly belongs.” . . . “Paper is poverty. It is the ghost of money and not money itself.”– Thomas Jefferson, 1743-1826

And that is our global banking system of today!


Seems legit, too bad it involves genocide, suppression, hate, greed, addiction, etc. when it convinces the banksters. Now we know why money is said to be "the root of all evil". Guess good and evil are more than mere human concepts maybe.

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Agreed......a lot of people would disagree with that statement, that it is a social constructs or some such nonsense, the thing is it hurts no one to believe it is more, but to not believe and be wrong has some very bad consequences, I like to error on the side of I could be wrong but there are no ill effects to being wrong in that direction (other than peers and group think) I know that is cryptic but I'm sure you get the jest.


To be honest, I don't even really know what BitCoin is - mostly because I have no idea how it works. Therefore, I don't have high expectations that professional judiciary members will get it right either.

Also props to the guy who said

That's some good stuff right there!

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Bitcoin is the same scam category as carbon credits.

The video you posted is private, Got a mirror?

I guess it was something about the Rothschilds?