Best graphics card for the money

If you are looking for bang for your buck and don’t have a lot of money to throw around, the RX 580 or GTX 1060 will certainly get the job done for some time, considering the GTX 1060 is the most common card amongst steam users right now and they are both comparable performance depending on game and platform (RX 580 does much better in linux than the 1060, but you said you’re using Windows, so the 1060 gets a slight edge with updated drivers).

Find one on sale in the next few weeks and you probably can’t go wrong. They off great performance for the price when you grab them on sale. There are some lower tier ones that also work out pretty well if you don’t expect to run ultra settings.

RX 590 is looking too expensive for the performance at the moment unless you happen to want to buy a couple of the 3 free games they come with (which may be the case, they are pretty major games).

Thanks all went with the EVGA Geforce GTX 1070


Good choice :ok_hand:


Not the 1070ti?

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sorry yep the ti

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this one to be exact



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I think the elephant in room everyone is avoiding while getting it on to benchmarks, and right/wrong opinions is.
What is your target resolution? 1080, 1440, 4k?
Personally i like the RX line up from AMD, but if you wanna do some “serious” 4k gaming, i wouldn’t go with that, nor vega, i mean it does 4k in most cases, but not 60+ fps.
But if you’re ok with 1440p, and just want some cheap fps, RX80-90 gets you there, and cheap.
If we’re talking 1080p i doubt it’d do much difference since pretty much any gpu newer then 2014? will just get the job done and extremely cheap, unless your target is 500fps, 1080 is so optimized by now it’s just standard.

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