So I want to build gaming pc for £800 that I will be able to upgrade in the future and can current run all games at 1920 x 1080 ultra 60 fps I think that this build would be okay would you guy's change anything?
I think this would be able to run games like battlefield 4 in this quality but im unsure?
It's not a bad list, that you've chosen. However, I would cancel and pick up the other parts.
I think my list just has a bit more quality control, and newer components. The i5 I selected is near enough the same price as the predecessor. Has an improved TIM for better temps and overclocking. Little considerations like that.
Alright then buddy well I know who to come to in the future haha. Will the build I made be able to play everything 1920 x 108 ultra at 60 fps? and if so how long do you think this build will last for?
Yeah, it really is a good start for £800. You might have dropped the SSD in favour of a more powerful GPU e.g an R9 290. Might have been a little better for mods. But an SSD is always good.
The GPU is the main component that will determine gaming performance. A 770 will max out most games with a playable framerate. The 770 can be used on resolutions above 1080p. Not sure how long it will last, but you should be able to use it for the next three years, comfortably. Something will last as long as you're satisfied with it.
Well this is my first ever build so I wasn't 100% on what to get this will be my first time building a pc I just went of what I could find out. I have recently left console gaming so yeah... As for the 290 and the 770 I see allot of comparison's for it and I couldn't choose I understand that the fact the 290 has 3gb is an advantage in itself. I never found anything useful until it was too late. I just hope I am satisfied with what I purchased. But with the parts I have purchased could I not just buy some of the part's that you recommended and change them out? Thankyou for all of your help :)
Vram doesn't equate to more performance. There's many things that sum up/ make a good card. Vram is balanced with the card.
The 280x and 770 and pretty equal. Dropping the SSD would have given you a larger budget for the R9 290, which has 4GB. Mods can utilise a lot of Vram, but the 2GB 770 is perfectly capable. So you can see why I would lean to the 290, as it is the higher performing card, and really well rounded. But the 770 is really good for a first PC. Some people are running APUs without dedicated graphics cards.
At the end of the day, it'll smash any console. You can still mod and play any game on the market.
You'll be able to run overclocked, comfortable. You've got a large enough PSU for two 770s. I haven't checked to see if your motherboard is SLI compatible.
You should be able to run with x4 comfortably. Depends on the game. You can still use a lot of features and settings, but you may not be able to run them maxed out. Just different things like advanced PhysX or demanding ambient occlusion settings. That's not particularly important. There are some instances where I can't run those settings on my 780. As long as you can get the textures all the way up to ultra, that's the most important thing.
Okay then. So all in all for a small amount of knowledge and for my first build on a budget what would you rate it overall out of 10? And yes it is SLI compatible.
Well, you can only tailor it to your own preferences. If you're happy with it, that's what counts.
I think your platform; the Intel CPU, motherboard and those bits are top performers. It's the platform that lasts the longest length of time, and you've got a big tick in that box. You've got a good GPU.
All other components are just sundry items. They work, they do the job. I don't know what the controller and different bits on the SSD are like. I don't know that SSD.
You said you play Battlefield. The 270x and GTX 760 can manage Battlefield on ultra textures, so the 770 will give it a bit of an extra spanking.
I'd really only nit-pick and say, you could have taken a little bit longer to decide on the PSU. The main things that affect performance get a big tick. Not sure about out of 10. Personally, I would have dropped the SSD for some mega-fast GPU. But that's just my own idea, because SSDs can always be added later.
Good news!! I have just managed to cancel my order so I can start to buy the build that you recommended. I could do with only spending £500 this month so what do you think i should buy first and foremost? and I will drop the SSD For a better GPU what one would you recommend? The one inside the build? However when I get paid again next month I would also like to get an SSD so what one would you recommend?