Badly struggling with PC, how is it superior race?

Where are you and what mouse is that? If you play mostly shooter games there are only two brands that I would ever suggest. Steelseries and Zowie. Steelseries Sensei is an awesome mouse. The Zowie FK1 is just..... WOW. I would never get any off brand "gaming mouse". Just cause it says gaming does not mean it actually is. 

If you are still looking for a mouse like the Logitech g600..You may want to watch Logan's/Pistol's review of this mouse it is 20$ cheaper than the g600 link HERE..I would have probably bought it instead of g600 (because i'm cheap) but this wasn't around when I was buying a new mouse..

Keep trying use a controller till you get used to it. What you are describing is why so many find gaming inaccessible on both PC and the Console. It takes practice just like anything else.

Where your lucky is once you learn it. Mouse and Keyboard control is not going anywhere anytime soon. I feel younger gamer's are a bit spoiled with this concept and don't understand how it used to be. Controllers have been mostly the same for the past three gens on the consoles. And the tech behind mouse and keyboard has changed the control set up has stayed the same. 

I remember back in the late 70's and 80's when every damn arcade game and console or home computer had a compete different controller. For games like Robotron you had to use two separate joy sticks for true twin stick shooting. (F that) The Fairchild Channel F controller was dumb as hell. And the intellivision controller was just down right retarded.

When I got my first PC with a mouse in 97 it really did take me about a year to get good at it. The only thing I can suggest is play FPS games that don't require fast movement to start out. Like Portal 2, Antichamber. 

The right way to learn to use mouse efficiently is to find the lowest sensitivity that you can comfortably play with and get used to it. Then decrease the sensitivity in small increments whenever you feel like you don't have enough control. This way I went down from ~1600 DPI to 400 DPI in a couple of years.

Using lower sensitivity is strictly better, if you can handle it. You are more accurate when you move your hand a lot, it's just that when you are just starting, your hand is just not fast enough.

Also, it's important to have a good mouse pad. I recommend cloth mousepads like Steelseries QcK or QcK mass (you want at least that size)

Good Sir, I +1'd thou epic comment

I'm curious Shaul1 how old are you?
I ask because I think the speed at which you catch on to this will depend on your age.

*story time*
Back when I got a real PC (I was 15) I had only played console games up to that point. Well I did play a few PC games like doom and doom 2 but I had only used the keyboard to play them. when I got a proper gaming PC I played games like Jedi Knight 1 and Quake 1&2 with the keyboard only for about a year and a half. using page up and page down to look up and down. then one day my friend was like "I was talking to someone and they said they use the mouse to aim around" of course I thought that was crazy talk at the time. but after going into a bunch of games and talking to people that kicked my ass in games I would ask them if they used the mouse to aim and they all said "yes".

It took me about a week to get the hang of using the mouse to aim. now 15 years later I laugh at how I ever played games using just the keyboard.  this was back before even "wasd" or any standard really was even agreed upon. button mappings were all over the place back then. so I'm going to do the old man fist shake here and say "you young kids don't know easy you have it"

My only advice is to just stick with it, stick with it, stick with it. it will click with you and when it does you will be happy you stuck with it.

The term PC Master race refers to the performance of PCs over consoles not necessarily the the game controls.

A PC gamer would have the same trouble adapting to a game pad controller if they had never used one before.

You can use an Xbox 360 or PS4 or even a Wii controller on you PC (with the proper adapter) if it is easier for you.

I only play first person games because I find others seems to be intellectually mundane.

I completely agree that keyboard & mouse are superior to hand held game-pad controllers  ... 

I was just trying to let the person know that they have options. More options is another advantage PC has over console.

Boy! Aint that the truth. Tried using a dual shock like game controller on my pc not to long ago. Cant deal with it.