I was looking around for information on setting the RGB system on this board under Linux. My machine is an ArchLinux base with a Windows 7 VM using KVM. Motherboard is Asrock z170 Extreme4 with an i5.
The default RGB lighting seems to be red heartbeat type of scrolling. I'd like to set the colors to temps of the cpu or to how hard the GPU is working if possible. I haven't really explored the options of what can be done with the RGB, but I would expect it could do something more useful than red glow and dim.
Is there a known way to set the RGB Aura system from within Linux?
Failing setup under Linux, my next step would be setting up PCI passthrough. After setting up passthrough, then attempt to run the Nvidia programs under the Windows VM and see if the settings stick after removing it from passthrough afterward.
Any ideas, suggestions or a better direction?