My chip set fan started to make a grinding noise I cleaned it and the noise has stopped however, is there a sensor in the bios that monitors the chipset/fan? I didn’t see what but might have been looking in the wrong place.
Yes, there is a setting for the chipset fan. Mine was too loud for my taste so I put it down to pretty much 30% for the whole temperature range. The chipset is good to 95C and mine never gets close to that. It stays about the same 65C regardless of fan speed, so why put up with the noise?
Anyway, the setting is on the “H/W Monitor” BIOS/UEFI tab. Scroll all the way to the bottom. Select “CPU_Fan2 and Chassis Fan Configuration”.
Then scroll all the way to the bottom and edit the settings for SB_FAN1.
Good luck!
It is indeed still spinning, however, 1 week after cleaning its started to make racket again. I don’t see an easy way to replace the fan so it appears the fan has just gone bad. Have had the motherboard less than a year too.
did you contact asrock?
I did at first in help in locating the sensor for the southbridge fan the rep told me there wasn’t one when there clearly is. Will try again tomorrow in hopes of a different rep.
I must just have rotten luck the first motherboard had a bad pci e slot, the one they sent me back had bad ram slots and now the third one after working for 4 months has a dieing fan.
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