So there’s a lot of threads here that get into the ethics of modern game design, but I don’t often see a lot of mechanical or player targeting discussion along the same lines. It’d be great to see more of it if that’s something you guys would be interested in.
For example, we all know by now that time gating and lootboxes suck etc, but what if you’re designing a free to play title, and you MUST choose a monetization method. Player customization isn’t an option due to the nature of the game, so which one do you think would be a more ethical design modification?
- Selling Quality of life improvements (remote bank access, gathering crafting automation, etc) as premium features
- Gating PVP or events behind a rare drop that you can purchase
0 voters
hard choice right?
People don’t often think about a game’s features or systems in terms of the design realities, but more often reduce it to like/dislike. I want to start discussions on questions like:
Would removing tail cuts from dark souls improve the game? (the majority of the enemies that incorporate this mechanic are generally far less fun to fight when going for the tail cut item, and none of them are really that great)
How could we revise or improve upon the stealth mechanics in the MGS series?"
How many optional systems can you remove from, say, Fortnite, and still retain or refine the experience in a positive way?
the more we can frame game design as players in terms of the systems that make up a game as a whole, and think about why decisions were made the way they were, the better. Please discuss or propose other questions below.