Are You Woke Enough to Use Linux?

Just lmfao at this proposal.

Blacklist/Whitelist – Going away. Deal with it, you bigot.

Man in the Middle Attack? Man? MAN?

It’s PERSON in the Middle Attack

If you’ve ever spun up a Kubernetes cluster, congrats, you effectively support slavery. Nice job, Robert E. Lee.

Why are you not inclusive? Do you know how many billions of software developers have been turned away from the Linux project because of deplorable, disgusting, detestable racists and bigots like you?

I think this lockdown has been proven that when people have too much time on their hands, they become mentally inept. Retarded, for lack of a better term.


WINdows is not inclusive of losers. I demand a participation trophy.


ChrisLifts precludes Escalators.
How very Dare you use such an Evil name! o.o >.< O.O


people bashing “black hat” and “white hat” hahahahahah aaaayyy lmaaao

you united staters are crazy

consummerism is so intense that on the brink of a colossal economical crisis these fuckers are consuming themselves and their dictionaries

EDIT: INB4 bash won’t be bash anymore because slave owners bashing their slaves and it will be boursh or something


Are you hyperbolic enough to GASP…VERB AND ADJECT???

I guess Linux will have to stop using the “super” key and just call it the Windows key.

No chain loading anything.

BSD/solaris will have to rename their jails too, because everyone knows jails are just there to perpetuate the modern version of slave labour…


SJW bullshit has been going on for a while now. The problem is both liberals and conservatives in general just downplay it and act like because it’s only a small minority of people bitching about it that nothing is going to happen. And so the people who speak out against it get treated like they’re conspiracy theorists to the average person who isn’t paying attention.

But I do agree that the lockdown has given people more time to find stuff to bitch about. I just hope it also allows more average people to start paying attention.


you edit it now coz you’re offending mentally challenged people, both the ones with an extra chromossome and people of lower IQ!


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Of course it gets downplayed. It should. Its nonsense.

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And robbed the media of anything tro report, so hyping stuff over the top…

Doesn’t help that the lack of a liberal party anywhere near authority; the right and far right skewing the viewpoint away from center/normal. okay okay, that was too far of a derailment…

You leave me and my fellow stubs alone!

you, as a male, are offending all the people that had their fathers left them as child


I should stop now I’m having too much fun with this, it’s wrong

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I wonder how much poes law applies to some of this


I should use winky emojis then instead of /s

but I’m all out of ideas to sjw your phrase, sorry

I mean it gets ignored by normal people, but big corporations and celebrities latch onto the moral outrage and cater to it. And then normal people act surprised when change happens.


Appreciate the compliment o/

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u rite bb


I wonder how hard Linus is screeching about these changes…

I know I’d be

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It’s okay, he censored his email.

It’ll just be 8 pages of blanks / bleeps.


at this point I’m fairly certain his apathy is a value above 100%