I’ve been searching for months and even tried a few but can’t seem to find what I need. I have this setup:
Windows 10 desktop
16" Macbook Pro 2019 - connected to a Caldigit TS3 Plus dock
2560x1440 DP/HDMI monitor
1920x1080 DP/HDMI monitor
Generic USB keyboard and mouse
no audio needed
I’m trying to find some way, any way, to manage both of them with a KVM such that the computer doesn’t disconnect the monitors and/or re-arrange windows when I switch inputs.
Does anyone have any recommendations? I am desperate and willing to try anything. At this point I don’t mind paying a lot if it means it’ll work.
Unfortunately it looks like Displayport MST is still broken on Mac, so you will need to find a spare port on your MacBook to convert from USB-C to Displayport, then repeat that with a repeater so the weak DP voltages (Apple designs their DP ports with lower than normal voltages) get converted to sane voltages to have a second monitor.
The Level1Techs Dual Monitor KVM should work with adapters on the Mac.
For the DP port from the USB-C to DP adapter, you’ll need this before the KVM:
The repeater does it. It gets expensive if you want one for each input on the kvm, but it’s the only way afaik (I have this setup). Macs are very finicky with the L1T kvm including through thunderbolt docks. I’ve had the best luck with an active hdmi to DP converter. An active usb-c to dp converter works pretty well with 1440 but not 4K.
I have the dual monitor Level1Techs DP1.2 KVM, 5 Repeaters and some of those adapters I linked. Part of my need for the repeaters and adapters is because my LG monitor is very picky and really only plays nice with my Windows build, and then because Macs DP signals are problematic. Even with all of that, I have to power cycle the KVM a couple times a week. It’s an expensive and imperfect solution, but still ultimately saves me more time than the alternative.
Afaik, there is no comparable products to the L1T kvm or repeater.
2 for a Mac Pro, 2 for a Linux workstations and 1 for laptop which is usually a MacBook Air
I just pull the power on the KVM. It also fixes USB devices which don’t handle reset signals properly. I have asked for a USB-power-cycle-on-input-switching feature for the new kvm’s but never got an answer as to whether that will happen or is feasible.
Repeater is a stand alone device, it’s not specifically for the kvm, it just happens to help with sketchy DP signal issues. The main features are the cloning and the dummy monitor signal.
Hot dog! I just realized something. This is a powered repeater. Meaning, I can extend my total DP length. I want to route wires so they are all hidden. One 6 foot DP cable is not enough for me. But if I use this, with one 6 DP foot cable on each side, then I can neatly hide everything. Or am I mistaken?
First post and still acclimating to these forums. Great information thus far! Thank you everyone.
Has anyone confirmed if the cablematters.com Dispalyport Repeater does the trick for fooling our PC’s that the monitor has not changed? Similar to the more expensive L1 repeaters? I’m not trying to take away from sales of the L1 product but it would also be nice to save if it works.
I have tried searching for this answer and thus far have only seen people alluding to it working. Nothing I have seen that says, “Yes”.
For my Setup I would need 4 repeaters.
1 - Windows 10 (home rig) with Nvidia 3080
1 - Windows 10 laptop (Work HP), Docking station has DisplayPort
2 - Asus PG279Q monitors.
My hope is to also use my wireless keyboard/mouse from Logitech (G915 + G502, both lightspeed).
Where did you see that it works? I have a feeling that the Cablematters one is not headless – meaning it’ll show a disconnect to the computer when you switch KVM inputs.