Apple wins $1 billion award in patent case

Apple, might aswell sue the architects of this building:

Suprised Apple hasn't sued me for having rounded edge knuckles...


Way to ignore the part where Logan then went on to say that that arguement is bullshit and no one abuses the system like Apple for such simple stupid things. Look at the Google Oracle suit it was low level exact code in debate not a general design or public domain clipart images.

Warning to Apple... karma is a b*tch. OMG this make me hate Apple so much.

If Apple wants to prove that they are a great company, then try and beat the competition fair and square. Not eliminate every one else until you are the only company left there.

G+ is now firing up with this Boycott Apple thing again, but as usual, there's only those same people that are demostrating

They shouldve looked for people who use Nokia's HAHAHAHAHAHA XD

I would go as far to say they would even put a patent on something as ridiculous as you cant have a clear screen or some BS like that apple have taken things to far to many times.

I have a nokia :( This one.  Smartphones in China have that 20% luxury tax so I just stay away from them.  

Saw this on slashdot found it fairly interesting.  Here's a taste:

 CNET quotes a juror as saying 'After we debated that first patent — what was prior art — because we had a hard time believing there was no prior art, that there wasn't something out there before Apple. In fact we skipped that one so we could go on faster. It was bogging us down.' 


Does this Sony device from 2006 remind anyone here of a product sold by Apple?

Apple - the scum of the earth company. It pisses me off that they produce all the yolo idiots that run their mouth about how pretty and better apple is. 

Like company like users. Just pathetic, I hope Google crushes them. I would actually love for Apple to go asap, bankrupt or whatever. We have thousands of better products than theirs, and with them doing stuff like this - I don't think we need them in this industry.

I don't condone violence... but someone should throw a molotov into the offices of google. Block the exits with fire, and watch as their office goes up in flames.

Or we can let the people out, and just send a message that they'll inturperate as competition trying to end their buisness.