Anyone else waiting for openSUSE 42?

You can teather over Bluetooth with it too :)

On Topic: Why release on a Tuesday? Fucking lizards making my life difficult.....

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It's better on the newer models. On the older ones like my latitude you have to go through tons of proprietary shit to get at the good crap.

what OpenSUSE? idk. Canonical updated Ubuntu 15.10 on a thursday. and 16.04 LTS is coming April 21st 2016. which is also a thursday. these dates are strange.

that model i have is Haswell based. I've always had good experiences with Dell. but there is always a con in the places you least expect them to be. from what i've noticed all these years.

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The updates are more for sys admins so they can get it done at work but I would rather do my personal system during the weekend.

BTW @kat you want kernel 3.18 or newer for the intel card. It was also backported so older kernels may work

Oh I'm on Kernel 4.1.11 no worries lol 4.2 and 4.3 are un-stable from what Manjaro is telling me.

Anyone else digging Plasma 5 or are you guys on the Gnome hype train?

LXDE is gonna be switching to QT soon so hopefully we will see some cross compatibility between the two.

No one knows what XFCE is gonna do they can't ride GTK2 forever.

the butthurt will be real.

The LXDE conmubity has been really supportive over Qt but XFCE is still fighting over their direction.

Even Unity is moving to QT.

I want to try Unity 8. if all the touch features are to my liking that's definitely going to be my next GUI.

I want to get an COS 13 so bad. I've always used Dell crap until I built the desktop I have now. It's unfortunate their tablet lineup isn't successful. I quite like the Venue 8 Pro.

KDE has great touch support along with Gnome.

Oh linux. Its a wonderful world. Yeah OpenSUSE is amazing. I cant wait for 42. Its merged with the SLES code so it is supposedly going to be very stable. Fortunately having an X99 system (2011-3) allows me to have a lot of fun with my 8 core and virtualization.

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