Anime Culture Club

Kyoto’s fundraiser has closed. To whoever donated, thank you for helping to support a part of our community in their time of need. I’m sure it’s invaluable to some of those who are recovering, and eases the financial stress for the others, so they can focus an recovering.

I hope they can get the money to all those who really need it first.


anyone backing this?

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Not even for the lols, i honestly can’t get into VNs and definitely not some kickstarter. If it ever goes on sale probably.

There are some Twitch streamers in Germany who got in trouble for streaming the new Wolfenstein game (which is uncensored and has swastikas in it), so…probably not. Austria and Germany are very uptight about the depiction of Nazi stuff in something that isn’t for the purpose of education (history books, documentaries, etc).


Give me a reason to finish Fate/Apocrypha that doesn’t involve Astolfo being cute no homo.

i dropped it too no regrets. go watch dumbell or monogatari or stone.

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Its double the heroic spirits and half the coherent plot (as much as a Fate series can have such a thing)

Also calling Fran (Frankenstein’s monster) hideous is absolutely laughable.

I highly recommend Fate/Extra Last Encore, very small core cast and its made by studio Shaft.

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Honestly it isn’t worth it. I watched it all the way to the end and I regret it to this day.

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Anyone got any recommendations for manga similar to To Your Eternity and Fire Puch? I’m already reading Chainsaw man but I dig how both these authors are able to make the world feel so big in their respective manga, whereas most adventure manga the world feels constrained to their current situation/fight/conversation.

Eden: It’s an Endless World! is also a good example of manga with amazing world building.

I finished season 1 of The Promised Neverland. I’m a little behind on my anime due to writing but I’m getting caught up.

It looks good. The plan is a good idea.

I should like this anime but I don’t. Please let me tell you why. The main Characters behaviors throughout the show:

The moments when suddenly out of no where psycho path moments for each of them. I get what they are going through is terrifying and they are kids but those psycho path moments weren’t believable to me.

I’m not going see season 2. Others might like it more than I did though.


I didn’t like it at all, thought those kids should have been caught from the first episode but they’re so wrapped in plot armor there is no tension.


Omg I 've fallen into memory lane. I needed to find music I used to listen in 2015, so went 2 years before to college as I had discarded archived music from that time. OMG xD. And seriously considering bringing those back to my library.


Don’t say Lazy will always have a spot on my favorite playlist


The Director of Miss Kobayashi’s Dragon Maid And other works has been finally confirmed to have died.



I started my rewatch of Parasyte the Maxim -
It has been some times since I last watched it. The rewatch value is very on high on this. The animation, the music, the character development, and the overall tone. This does fall into a dark anime but it’s very solid. If you haven’t watched it yet and are looking for a good dark anime, I highly recommend you give this a try.


One Piece

Not really similar to your examples, but do have decent world building.

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Hey peeps
Watching Interstella 5555 so figured it’s only right that I come here. :man_shrugging:
Also not exactly an anime but I’ve been playing through Tekken 7 which is unapolagetically Japanese and it’s great.
Anime hasn’t been my jam in the past but I have been enjoying the fringes lately.
I watched the live action Tekken movie for shits and giggles and it’s every bit as bad as you can imagine. Lovely.


Ah Daft Punk the anime (Its totally anime)

This is why i like anime/manga there is something for everyone its not all dragon ball z or cute girls doing cute things.


whenever I want to watch 5555 I always take out my Discovery Vinyl and use that instead for audio, good times :+1:


Saguri-chan Tankentai

Plot is okay, but the art is good and the color inserts are fantastic.