Anime Culture Club



Nah, I like big tiddies.


I havenā€™t. Iā€™ll have a look when I get home. Is the dub finished?


yes it is

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Except when it comes to ass, flat assers are worse than flat earthers

I donā€™t remember adding this to my PTW list but I did, sounds interesting.

Anyone else see this? Is it good?

Thats the best thing about a PTW list, keeps you from forgetting all about an anime.


blehh this anime, plot isnt grabbing me after 3 episodes. Wonder if its bland because netflix made it :thinking:

i doubt it based on my experience with Violet Evergarden. Netflix has already proven to me just because theyā€™re attached to the project doesnā€™t mean an anime will suck.


Now thereā€™s a mysterious Mask before James Blood, and the man behind it is one that shouldnā€™t exist. What is the mystery surrounding this maskā€¦?


I was looking for some good action anime to watch, decided to just rewatch my hero academia.


I liked the manga but never got around to the anime

Violet Evergarden was happening with or without netflix as with most of the Netflix Original anime.

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Violet evergarden, one of the greatest anime around imo. Also when I was asking for anime with great world building the first one that came to my mind was violet evergarden, the great art and music helped greatly in making the world come to life and feel magical (not like actually magical like harry potter but kinda the same vibe you get at first when youā€™re first introduced to harry potterā€™s world)

The cancer that was supposed to be the cure for it.
Instead of TV Network A, B and C to watch exclusives we now have streaming services acting the same way.

I know why Iā€™m getting the shows I want on physical media (when it is available) or just entirely ignore it when itā€™s not available.

But that phrase means very little when it come to anime. Also itā€™s usually the Japanese studios fault when they try to pander to audiences outside of japan and you get something weird like B the Beginning or what happened to the FLCL sequels.

What happened? :scream:

Fucking travesty. Classic example of trying to copy something when you donā€™t understand why people liked it in the first place.

Different studio/author?
Cause that sounds like it.