Anime Culture Club

Same studio but different staff entirely, original creator had nothing to do with the sequels

Usually a bad sign :unamused:

I was hoping they would do whatever they wanted with an flcl vibe but too much felt like they were trying to get viewers nostalgic for the original series.

Most of Progressive had these really well animated opening scenes but then the “action” scenes were stiff and came off like a joke.

Progressive spoiler

they made Haruko literally in love with Atomisk, made no fucking sense

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@Skelterz thank you for finding this for me, I have the prefect thing for it
Those are some thiccc chikki nuggets


Ive never seen that in my life

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No you found @dinscurge’s post that was buried in the lounge and I had this great pic to respond to it with


When bitch mommy serves you nuggies instead of tendies with hunni-mussi REEEEEE



Hunni-mussi and seeshawn suz are the only suzs ppl shuld be allewd to eat wth tendies!!! REEEEE.

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It’s better than the previous seasons of SAO IMO. Not the greatest thing on the planet, but it’s plenty watchable.

The SAO Saber.

The titular character for the arc, Alice.

I dead ass have a friend who will only eat chicken tenders whenever we go out places, if we go some place without chicken tenders he won’t come, unless it is pizza but dead ass we went to a red robin’s he ordered chicken tenders, applebees, chicken tenders, everywhere else without pizza, chicken tenders.

Does he vape too and wears a fedora?

Take your talk of vape and tendies elsewhere


The whole show has only been down hill since the Aincrad arc ended. Only good thing to come out of the following mess was Llenn and P-chan

You need to pick your waifu with more criteria in mind, not just looks.
You’ll want one that can cook your tendies just right.

dun has tendies

but rather go heavier on the mustard then honey lol

Tried it once, not my thing either. No idea why it seems to be so popular in Murrica.

Same with the discussion I see sometimes in anime about eggs. Soy sauce, Worcestershire sauce or ketchup. No idea what that’s about. I know my mom used to put ketchup on them but personally I don’t like any of those on eggs.

idk its fancier and less ‘dated’ i guess then classic yellow or whateverwatamoteburgers

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I just started it, and 3 episodes in I’m quite impressed. So far all the english AVs have been extremely fitting for their characters.
I’m not as impressed with Zero’s though, she emphasizes too much for my taste.

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