Anime Culture Club

just set sail…

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sigh nothing to watch…

Oh, and I ordered Elfen Lied Vol.2-6.
Not having the series complete bugged me for years.
Also, 14€ for a 440 page manga ain’t bad (36€ for Box 02).


I know that feeling… literally nothing to watch…

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The number of my PTW list doesn’t match what I have readily available to watch on my HDD. Some folders are just individual seasons but that’s still more than the 61 on the list.

I should update my profile anyway.

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I guess I’ll just watch GATE until I find something that interests me more.
So far it’s okay but I’m sure there’ll be going some shit down all because of greedy governments and using the military to get what they want. And while this is just speculation, I’m sure something like that will come up and I’m not looking forward to it.


There’s only one point like that and it’s fairly short, it’s the part in the our world you’ll see later on that’s all I’ll say so I won’t spoil it.

Still. It’s just as @Skelterz described it. That vibe it has, like a recruitment video for the military. Not as bad as the ones in Starship Troopers but close.

Manga collection is growing steadily. But my wallet cries in agony…

I dislike GATE so much that I just finished watching episode 15…


Well looks like Funimatiom is leaving VRV
Just got this email.

Honestly i was going to cancel it anyways and get a Funimatiom account because there are series on their site which they cannot stream on VRV like Tokyo Ghoul.


Lol legal streaming sites, let me show you where they belong

I’m ashamed to say I supported those dumb fucks the few months I payed for their shit services that never work, except for the big popular ones like netflix and amazon prime, those are good and always work

Well that sucks. That’ll mean VRV is dead to me. I’ve found myself using HiDive the most recently, so I’ll probably just cancel my VRV and not worry about resubscribing to Funimation for a while.

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But does your browser look like this?


Get Gud internet?
Also I don’t have to deal with malicious malware when turning off adblock off because boo hoo we need money to maintain stolen IP.

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That’s the funniest thing about pirate sites, they expect money for distributing content they dont pay for.

That’s why I use firefox for that and chrome for everything else, so I won’t have to turn that off. Also ngl if it wasn’t for this I would never have realized how nice firefox is, it’s actually pretty clean and good.

Just abandon that one, there is other alternatives that are better.

I was looking into HiDive tbh. But we will see.


Also Sakura’s appearance seem very familiar from another anime, just can’t think of it atm.


wow… you weren’t lying…


At some points it look fairly smooth but no clue why the frame rates would dip so low.
Why they no pre-render the scene to make smooth?
Honestly anybody with a decent gpu, MMD, some models and motion data could do a much smoother job.
At least the models they used were pretty damn high quality.

Little witch academia is the first thing that comes to mind

Never watched LWA tbh.
I kind of think it was Papa kikinasai but still seems a bit off

Ehh, I will probably be in the middle of no where and realize lol.