Anime Culture Club

I already started to learn the piano cus the first few anime I watched were piano animes. So yeah I guess it does actually make me do shit lol

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Nice, Your lie in April and K-On! made me feel that way but I am one that gives up too easy or gets bored quick and moves onto another hobby. Well maybe not anymore at this point.
I will have to wait and see.

Also don’t catch a cold :wink:

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Same lol, I practice piano like once a week so I’m not really getting far. You kinda have to do it daily to get better

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Don’t watch Breaking Bad then.


I got super into guitar in high school with my two buddies.
Got decent and chords and got fairly decent finger dexterity but now way am I going to pick it up and get proficient as I was back then.
Did play a bit of rock smith and practice a crap top of custom songs on guitar.

I watched like 2 or 3 episodes of they a few years ago, it was weird and I didn’t want to watch a naked old man doing shit so I dropped it real fast.

I highly doubt it’s something you’ll like.

Amanchu! has a lot more to do with diving, but it’s an entirely different feel.



So I’m really confused as to what’s going on with the light novels for log horizon, I’ve read a few things that they are still being published, that they aren’t, that the author is only publishing them as web novels so not officially, and that the author stopped making them entirely or not as often because he got in trouble for some shit or something.

Anybody know what’s going on with this?

In April 2015, Mamare was charged with three years’ worth of tax evasion. While it was initially written off as a mistake and the money paid off, in December 2015, police investigators reported that Mamare had done it on purpose, and had him prosecuted. In April 2016, he was given the sentence of ten months in prison, on a three-year suspension (in other words, if he remains on good behavior for the next three years, he won’t serve jail time).

Although, Vol.11 of the novel series was released in Japan this year.

When he is writing for a volume, he usually updates on Syosetu before he compiles it into a published volume.

That’s where the “unofficial web novel” comes from.

This was like 5min of typing “log horizon novels” into Google and going through some search results.


I spent hours looking for what I found

But why isn’t he releasing them as frequently as he once did?

Gigguk should write reviews for IGN.


Doesn’t everybody have a fiance? Lol Idk why but I found this scene particularly funny.

The era of arranged marriages is over boyo. gl hf

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haha of course bro! Everyone has a GF these days, hahhaha! ha


I’m pretty sure arranged marriages are still a thing, just not too common or just not common around us but maybe common in another part of the world.

Also they don’t have arranged marriages

Gigguk is more an entertainer (i think all anitubers are) and is ign even relevant?