Anime Culture Club


Nifirea: Eh?
Enri: Eh?
Lupusregina: Eh!?



Oooooh yeah lol

4 episodes into girls last tour. I kept putting it off because the art style is a little weird but I like it.

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Its continues to be very weird and endearing

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Damn, I forgot I watched 120ish episodes of Naruto, wtf was I thinking. tbh I donā€™t remember any of them

and couldnā€™t even handle 1 of Modoka Magicaā€¦


That drug trip shit is annoying and depending on how crazy it gets will give me headaches sometimes so helll nah

What irks me about Overlord is weā€™ve been getting tidbits of cool stories for the past two seasons with no conclusion or fulfillment to any of them. Much like Attack on Titan and that god damn basement key.

After the last episode i could use like a 3-4 episode arc of Enri but no i know its going to bounce back to Ainz for the final episode.

Iā€™m gonna get a multi million dollar house, and for the artwork I put on the walls, itā€™s gonna be ahegao lmao.

I wonder how much it would cost to get full scale statues of anime characters, or of anything really. Where would you even buy custom statues like that?

Wait, that never gets explained?

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Loose ends = potential filler episodes in the future. Or like those manga/anime that have the ā€œMC needs to do x amount of things which would accumulate to also at least x amount of episodesā€ thing. Like with Nyan Koi where he has to do 100 good deeds for cats. Usually that doesnā€™t work out and the manga/anime gets cancelled before coming even close to the number.
Other times it far exceeds the number. Look at Dragonball. They only needed 7 balls and now theyā€™re at what? several seasons and hundreds of episodes.

itā€™s still ongoing, it was Just brought up in the last episode

Iā€™m not going to bother.

this is all from the light novel, iā€™ve read the wiki and no such fluff exists.

but what iā€™m getting at is we get teaser events that for some reason just become part of the larger events, honestly the last episode was a side story, it was good, instead of fleshing out the main event or having some satisfying conclusion.

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I enjoy regardless of how dumb it can be

Iā€™ve never caught on to heavily with the anime, since a lot of the time I read during my transit to work and back.

Look at you Mr. Oh look at me I read n shit, with your novels and reading shit.

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i read the wiki

Not everyone of us can afford to go to college.