Anime Culture Club

I said I was going to do this a while ago, but as usual, I procrastinated and forgot to do it. but now, now I am watching how to train your dragon 2.

Also, since I’m rewatching so much shit maybe I should rewatch Avatar the last air bender for the 7th time or maybe koe no katachi for the 5th time. I’ve watched those 2 wayyy too many times lol, funny thing is is that I’d actually gladly rewatch avatar the last airbender, it’s so god damn good

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Every anime enthusiast loves catgirls, if you don’t you have no right to call yourself a weeb.

I think I might sit this season out entirely and just binge the few shows I’m interested in.

Normally I start with quite a few series and finish with ~6-8 by the end, but this season it looks like I’m starting with maybe 5 and will probably drop at least two of them.


nah bruh you can keep your brain parasites ty


Ay good shit, the 5 isekai this season

This is a man with QUALITY taste :ok_hand:

This is what I try to do with a few series every season, but I forget to watch them each time, which reminds me I should go watch killing bites now that it is over It’s been too long since I’ve binged trash and I actually like the 2 episodes I watched of this while it was airing, obese wolverine is dope af

I wasn’t ready for the feels in how to train your dragon 2, oof. I think I might’ve watched it before though, some of the scenes felt familiar, who knows maybe it was just stuff from ads or something idk

This song is pretty good

you almost sound like a normal person :thinking:


I know, I was so close to becoming a normal person, then I discovered anime.

Actually, believe it or not I was normal once, but alas, the good old days are no more. Those were good times

The one that sends you to Prison.


So it is a loli hentai? This is not a joke btw, well maybe a little but the question is serious

I have no clue, I just thought I should say that /s

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Just finished the lates Franxx episode, the blandness is starting to kill me, then I watched this breath of fresh air (and fan service)

Suprisingly I enjoyed a lot of it, but the premise of the problematic devices still made me shake my head. Gotta say the vapor wolf and final boss were my favorite parts, the final boss sounds and animations were quite a mamma mia to behold!

From the creators that brought you SUPER AIDS

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ohh so much aids, but no anime is perfect, I can always find a fault in them

So my old ass couldn’t handle watching a show airing at midnight. And after missing half the episodes and falling asleep through the other three I ended up buying FLCL Progressive.
Now from what I remember I’m not going to like it but what I do like are the character designs, soundtrack and fucking weird opening scenes every episode seems to get. I’ll update you cucks on my misadventures watching this so you’ll feel the same pain as me.


The Tried and true way to fix these faults, according to people who work in the anime industry, is to fill said faults with lolis, oppai, harems, traps, more oppai but bigger, and misunderstandings combined with pussy ass MCs.

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Totally agree but the main strory seems hell bent on ruining my enjoyment.

Replace “life” with “anime”


gif is broken

also a little off topic but just to save you the inconvenience of having to pay to go to a movie theater to watch this, don’t do it. Jurassic world 2 sucks ass, it is basically the same ideas as Jurassic Park 2 but done terribly, like basically, the entire movie is them running around in a mansion. And by same ideas I mean go to dinosaur island, get dinosaurs, bring them back to the mainland, dinosaurs escape and rampage on the mainland, where they differ is that in Jurassic park most of the movie is on the island, with only a little time on mainland which was perfect, but in Jurassic world they spend little time on the island and most of the time in a cramped mansion, like there are only 5 places you see them in in the mansion which takes up most of the runtime, they are the showroom for dinosaurs, the cage room for dinosaurs, the roof, the exhibit, and grandpa’s room, so only 4, MB I gave them too much credit. Also, all the problems arise from lazy writing, dinosaurs escape, why? because dumb bad guy opened up the cages to take their teeth and left the door open, shouldn’t have gone into the cage with the highly advanced genetically modified killing machine dinosaur, to begin with.

works for me :thinking: