Android smartphone with keyboard are back <3

I could see myself getting so many typo’s on that thing. Look how tiny each key is :expressionless:

Annnnd i have requested a refund.
Still not in shipping center, hard case have been canceled and the company communication is really really misleading.

If i pushed anyone in this mess with my post, i deeply apologies.
Never preorder they say … never preorder …
I should have listens


I wonder if @wendell received his fxtech pro1 :sweat_smile:

Me to, I saw that many people got there now, but US where still complicated.

Hopping to have it for instant availability in march or something :frowning:

Nope. I said to cancel if it wasnt going to ship by CNY and it hasn’t

:disappointed_relieved: That’s sad, but understandable.
Are you looking into getting one when they are available for same day delivery like i am, or did you gave up on the device ?
There is some software and hardware issue, but it’s kind of the only one in it’s form-factor.

Oh wow, I don’t think I’ve seen this post until now.

I would love a new Nokia Communicator with android one for a reasonable price. The best keyboard I had on a phone was actually on a windows mobile device, a Palm Treo 500. After a day with a lot of usage you felt like you broke your fingers but you knew that you were typing and you could feel what letter it was.

So, as long as it is in a real product: physical buttons? YES, please!

I remember thinking I was way faster on my n900s. But now I’ve had a decade more of Android smartphone experience… Would be nice to see some new words-per-minute comparisons before I re-invest in this type of phone.

Personally I don’t even care about efficiency, I just like to press buttons a lot more than tapping glass. :wink:

Someone sent me a link to some other company making Android+keyboard phones and I was going to try that one instead … but I have lost the link.

Way weaker specs but the specs on this are a lot weaker now than 6 months ago… :-/

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Those buttons look too flat, you won’t get enough tactile feel out of that keyboard. And at that point you might as well use the screen.

To me the point is to keep the screen free. Not losing half of it just for a keyboard

You mean for a terminal or something like that?
Yeah, ok. I can see that.

I’m so confuse …
So … did you cancel and bough it somewhere else ? planed on canceling but didn’t ?
Last time i checked, the last preorder where stuck because of what is happening in china.

Did you finally invent the fabricator ?

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Maybe he got it from Linus?

No update for 6 months. They are ghosting us now. Seems like we’ve been scammed:

I covered some of this over here a while ago.

Android smartphone with keyboard are back

Unfortunately it seems keyboard phones are dead. Too niche.

Phones aren’t even fun any more… :cry: I’m moving to PinePhone when my Pixel dies.

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A quick look at the specs tells me this would be a downgrade in thes areas:

No 5g or wifi 7. Android version 9.

Granted you can do other os on the phone, but I’ve got no experience in loading them onto a phone for what it’s worth!

Like that wasn’t their default move for years :frowning:

This is the thing … with google Play integrity getting out of hand … not a single phone fit my need anymore.

I love my note 9, but i do have to say that i’m behind the noble update because the next one require a full reset …

I though about buying a Sony Xperia 5 V because it has an unlockable bootloader (unlike acer grumble, i wanted my small zenphone!!!), a headphone jack and a SD card reader, in a compact~ish form…

But like all phone it’s full of bloatware, limite your functionality and enforce google tracking … thing i ~could~ work around like i did on my note, but for which i’m now being punished by more and more app blocking my phone through google play integrity check…

And the way it’s going, work around getting harder and harder, i don’t see any rooted android phone being usable for daily in a couple year. Thing that aren’t possible anyway on linux phone because those app don’t exist there either…

Even the youtube app is getting the saftynet treatement :sob:

Youtube is using Safetynet’s AndroidGuard to validate that the requests are coming from their app; possibly in an effort to block revanced, though they have already implemented a bypass.

I’m sick of the tech landscape right now …
I want to go back and do thing with my hand, like wood working …


remote attestation is cancer. keyword: remote

I’m beginning to think Stallman was right about phones.

Welp, it was fun while it lasted, but the writing is on the wall…

I’d sooner not own a phone than bend over for Apple or Google.