AMD 390X unboxing what the hell

$450 bucks for a rebranded 290x with 8gbs of vram lol this guy got riped off

not really.. the ram is faster, it's 8 gigs, plus the gpu does carry a new name indicating that at least something was changed.

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they gotta post bios online...
390x for everyone :)


$100 cheaper with 8gbs of ram and a better cooling

damn hadn't realized the 8gb version went below 400 already. still, the ram on the 390x is a significant bit faster, not 100 dollars more faster, but faster.

You beat me to it. :) Yup, got robbed on that rebrand. HE HE

Ocing would put it close. All in all I am disappoint AMD. I know why they did this too. All because they didn't want to be the "budget option" anymore...

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We don't know for sure yet, for all we know it could be refined enough that ocing results in 100mhz higher than 290x ocing. and You're right AMD threw all their eggs into the Fiji basket and tbh they needed to. having a strong high end card might be enough to shake the Nvidia worship out of the Nvidia fanboys.

all depends if their fiji cards will be priced $600+ there's no point to buy them until price goes down. (performance wise 295x is a better option) unless fiji proves to be much better than 295x

But but its so cute and sexy


yeah but if they price it 1k or more then... they can stick it.

They aren't suicidal. it'll be reasonable the XT will probably be a little over the 650 mark and the pro a little lower.

i hope. but 295x is for $580 already (sometimes lower)

At worst we may see XT at 850 and Pro at 650.

but it's larger, doesn;t have HBM, and has inherent sli/crossfire card issues.
that and that's an old card at this point

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yeah, it doesn't have much meaning for me if its large or not. Got plenty of space in my case anyway. I know its going to be a better gpu overall ~ but price...

How did such a noob get hold of one so early if it is legit? The terrible footage reminds me of Bigfoot videos. Cant tell whether or not there was the yellow seal on the anti-static bag as the footage goes dark.

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It's legit i'm seeing it pop up everywhere. apparently best buy doesn't know how to properly inform its managers, thus they were like "oh new shipment, put it on the shelves"

If this us true, remember Bestbuy normally over charges for GPUs.

Just wait till the 16Th then they get officialy pressented to the press.