AMD 32 Core vs. Intel 28 Core

All intel has left now is clock speed and its going to use that advantage to the full.

But as the core count goes up, clock speed will come down (under normal cooling conditions…).

Damn… wish gpus could be as interesting as cpus are right now, the role reversal is crazy (e.g gpus = boring, cpus = excitement)

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I’m just waiting for the 1180 Ti so I can have 4 digit cards on all systems lol

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According to Dr. Cutress of Anandtech the 32(and 24 core) threadripper will be a bit handicapped by having quad channel memory. Intel might have an advantage if theirs has hex-channel.

On EPYC however, there are eight memory channels, and AMD’s X399 platform only has support for four channels. For the first generation this meant that each of the two active die would have two memory channels attached – in the second generation Threadripper this is still the case: the two now ‘active’ parts of the chip do not have direct memory access.


whats preventing AMD from releasing x499 and just enabling 8 channel with some firmware updates?

Nothing, but if they were going to they would have said so. Even AMD has to do some product segmentation. :wink:

As a reference for the topic this might be helpful:

I can’t find a full video for the Intel presentation, only this. (timestamped)

And here the TR2 demo from AMD which was a livestream. (timestamped)

Like @RevampedTech already said, that Intel claim of “in Q4 you’ll be able to get it” is simply a lie.

My thoughts: One company has a product to show, the other one doesn’t.
End of story.

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Why is Q4 a lie?
Even though we are saying it was an Xeon P, it could also have been a Cascade Lake X engineering sample.

It’s not the Q4, it is the “it”.
And I am not talking codenames but performance metrics.

I can edit too. :rofl:

Oh it won’t be a 5GHz part out of box(maybe single core), but that hardly matters.

Well, that was literally all that was shown.
So what matters then?

That they have a 28 core that outperforms AMD in several metrics?

It does? Really? But then again I’m sure it does at 5GHZ.

Yeah, literally one. :rofl:

There’s only one king :wink:

I’m not picking sides, Threadripper 2 will probably be more successful than X499(?) and I take my hat off to AMD for this competition.

Yeah, you are. :wink:
Which is fine.

I said what I think. I am also not in the market for HEDT stuff. So, I’ll leave now.

3k Seems super low for a 10k xeon part

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If you take away ECC, 768GB/1,5TB RAM support and multi socket you’ve already cut out the customers who would pay 10k.

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They really should enable ECC on HEDT computers imo, ram multi socket w/e but ECC should be like AMD capable on everything

Agreed, but won’t happen with Intel.

I wonder when their i3s get to 4/8 or 6/12 if they will enable ECC on them still