All my Firefox addons stopped working

Even though i think my mistrust of Mozilla is not unwarented at this point, il refrain from wild speculation.

We’re beyond ridiculous at this point. 24h in an online world is practically an eternity.
I should be thankful, I suppose. If not for this, I probably wouldn’t have tried Cent Browser. It’s the only Chromium based browser that I can comfortably use.

Waterfox is your goto for using the samewise extensions.

I know, but I was browsing through the Reddit thread about this catastrophe that has befallen us, and someone mentioned Cent Browser so I decided to check it out. It’s neat.

Not planning to stick with it for long though. I have a bunch of browsers installed. Chrome, Vivaldi, Opera, Brave, Edge and Edge Chromium etc.

I did to because I didn’t like the privacy invasion but for now its fine

I don’t think they want to. I think they want to get devs to start signing their addons

It’s actually a legit strategy. It’s called TNO and Steve Gibson coined it.

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the Studies fix applies only to Desktop users of Firefox distributed by Mozilla. Firefox ESR, Firefox for Android, and some versions of Firefox included with Linux distributions will require separate updates

Yep, my FF on my android phone is doing the same.

Yeah, had to figure this one out today with Fennec via F-Droid.

Waterfox on Android has signing enabled. You’ll need to do the about:config fix. Just had to fix it on the 2 devices that ran Waterfox for Android.

it just happened to me too… now I hate a light theme and no adblock, thanks mozilla

the xpinstall.signatures.required:false didn’t help…

pls halp or imma kill myself

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Somethings are broken but you should be able to find a basic working setup.

I am not willing to switch browsers just yet.

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They do have a proper fix, it’s the studies thing. Most people leave it on; you have to care about privacy and actively turn it off, and supposedly people who possess the sophistication to do that can google “firefox addons broken WTF” and fix it themselves by turning studies on, setting the timer to 1s, and restarting Fx. I mean, I did, early this morning.

I agree it would have been better if they quickly cut a release and pushed that to everybody including Android users. Not sure why they didn’t do that instead.

Should of done so long ago…

instead of telling me to switch browsers or that there is a fix but not sharing it

you could either tell me the fix or not say anything

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I can not personally recommend their “fix” Rolling your clock back to tomorrow might work but will break other things. Just sit and be patience for the patch. You might get lucky with a few of the methods posted above.

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Certain distros don’t build with the Studies feature enabled. I wouldn’t call that a “proper fix”.

It’s a workaround, just like deactivating signing.

Rolling back your clock will break SSL sites. Just turn on studies with 1s timing, restart firefox, turn studies back off, and go about your business.

And yeah, if you have a special Fx build you’re hosed. That sucks.