Directed towards @wendell @ryan @kreestuh
I want to suggest to you that it’d be more than awesome if you could put out more Software Related videos instead of what it appears to me that you are doing now -focusing on Hardware. I understand, that’s kind of where the money comes from, from sponsorships and so on. Having said so, I’d like to give you guys my honest proposal.
Most people I assume are like me: they buy PC hardware once in a 5 year cicle, simply because they don’t have the money to afford new stuff. Thus, all the videos about the new AMD CPUs and Intel CPUs and whatnot are not that interesting, since “oh another piece of stuff I can’t buy”. However, with “Software Videos”, it’s something we can apply to our lives and thus it simply peaks our interest.
For example: It’d be awesome if you did “Wendell’s or Ryan’s Setup for work”. Just show us what software you use, how you like to configure Windows or a piece of software you like. Heck, I would find it awesome if Kreestuh reviewed the UI of Windows 10 and we got her thoughts on it. Or for example if Wendell showed how he uses twitter from what I gather constantly or your phone setup’s to be more productive.
You guys might think “but it wouldn’t be that interesting”. I hope I am not in the minority here, but yes it would. You guys rambling, talking and so on, it’s just fun. Fun. Because you guys are genuine, you guys speak the truth, you guys are awesome. That’s my modest proposal.
And if for any reason, you guys and people here on the forums don’t agree with this, that’s fine. I will enjoy your content nonetheless, and you guys rock nonetheless.
Non-related to the topic per se
I’ve been watching Level1Techs since the day it launched, religiously. I’ve watched TeamPGP since 2016 semi-regularly because as a Spaniard it fucks up with my sleep schedule most of the time.
I love you guys. I don’t how to put it, but you guys are my crack, my cocaine of entertainment and information.
You guys have more than once brought a smile to me in my worst and my best of days. If anything, you even make life worth living to me. That’s how much of an influence you guys are to me. I don’t have idols or people I adore, but if I had them, you’d be the first one on the list.
I don’t have enough words to express my gratitude to you.