A little teaser of what is to come :)

I’m not able to donate on gofundme. Not sure why. All my payment info turns red and it says “There was an error with your request, please verify your information and try again.” Maybe I’ll try again later. Maybe it doesn’t like that the donation is in AUD. Maybe I’m just an idiot and I’m missing something. Not sure.

edit: Just checked my bank account and apparently each time I tried to make the donation it was charged then immediately refunded. Happened several times. I have no idea why. Was trying to donate 100AUD.

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yep. besides SRIOV the only way todo something like that would be to emulate the PCI express calls and handle them on the host for the host gpu to render

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a lot of cpus have built in gpu, some (server) motherboards have a gpu somewhere on them, so if you can use the igpu you could pass through the gtx maybe (?)

Further up the thread this was discussed, I believe it depends on the method the manufacturer used when implementing the feature into the laptop.


I hope you don’t mind answering these two question gnif:

  1. (Dumb Question) Because of how the program works, this means that the OVMF Bios Screen or the Windows recovery screen is not accessible unless you hook up a monitor or use a spice display, right?

  2. I know Windows is the primary focus of this project, but are there plans to also support Linux in the future?

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Correct, we can’t capture the display output until the guest application is running, so it is still handy to have the ability to view the output of the guest.

The hurdles to get windows working are pretty large, I can’t comment on if or when that will happen. I have not even investigated what capture APIs are available under Linux yet.

The goal of this project is to allow those like myself that need Linux (not just like it) for work, but still need some compatiability with Windows, or want to play some windows only games.

For me Dual Boot is not an option, I perform on call level 3 support for customers and if they ring and I need to reboot into Linux to support them, it doesn’t look good.

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Also if I’m not mistaken, the Virgil 3D project covers Linux VM 3D accel. Though at the moment I don’t think its main lined into QEMU yet so you might need to patch it in.

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Interesting! But it seems like it only supports OpenGL games, which may be a problem for future games.

I hear ya. It’s definitely more important to get this working flawlessly on Windows (for the needed software/games). Linux users can always use alternative stuff like Virgil.

Some more frame bashing monsters have come across my desk.



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Thanks for the warm welcome folks, and I am liking this thread quite a bit - every seems pretty knowledgeable and constructive. Don’t want to go too OT but I had no idea there was such a big Linux contingent in these forums, and kudos to @wendell whom without his youtube video I probably would have not found gnif or this thread - I have been babbling on about gpu passthrough set up for a while with friends and colleagues and it looks like we finally might have a very nice solution in our midst!


It is $4000 now. Congrats to @gnif !

Wow, I went to watch some TV with my wife, came back, sat down and promptly fell off my chair! Once again, Thank you everyone for contributing, we have now exceeded the required minimum, this additional funding will allow some headroom for any extra hardware that was unforeseen.


500 dollarydoos! amazing. Let’s get this show on the road!

Wuhu, go Sapphire! You should definitely put them in the contributors file too.

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Certainly, all contributors, both financial and hardware will go in there :slight_smile:


A little late donation from me I hope that’s okay :slight_smile: was waiting for the check to come in haha

OBS captures by either specified window via xshm or by screen via xcomposite, either of those should work without a seperate plugin no?

Regardless any capture card should also work just fine, you wouldnt even need the capture card hooked up to your passthrough gpu, just split the signal from your linux gpu to your monitor and cap card then it would capture the fullscreened’ framebuffer being displayed on your linux gpu. No worrying about switching cables

Why re-capture what is already available in ram?

Again, why? We can just feed the frame data straight into OBS

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the capture card method is for multi-pc setups, which is what I use. I have a seperate dedicated machine used for live streaming + recording at the same time while the main rig is used just for gaming.

as for the screen/window capture method, that was just a general idea on using obs without a seperate plugin being needed. You’re correct in that it shouldnt need to be recaptured if it’s stored in memory already, my point was that the existing method should work, albeit redundant

another idea would be to maybe feed the framebuffer as a webcam/capture device, so that you could add it in obs as a video device? this would also mean youd then be able to use things like guvcview with the source, although I suppose thatd also be redundant as it would be going framebuffer->fake camera device->framebuffer

just throwing some ideas around

When it doesn’t require a heavy CPU penalty, a more direct hook is pretty much the logical way to go, but it will have to be a plugin for OBS or committed with OBS’ official code. We just need someone to write the hook.