A beginner seeking for help! 2000€ computer build (AMD)

You’re reading into it too much man, I was just providing info to the OP. Why are you being so defensive

You were replying to me, not the OP. Not defesive, just keeping it real.

lol ok whatever you say man

Expecting anyone not to reach 3.8GHz on all cores on air is unrealistic.

Huge thanks to everyone who helped me with this build, and in general! I just got the pc, i havent really had the time to adjust everything. But it works, that’s something :smiley: And it was worth it to wait for the mushify c case, it looks so good in my opinion.

Main specs ended up being
x370 taichi
gtx 1080 ti black edition
Ryzen 1700x


One pic? Tease…

That right there is a very nice clean and sharp looking unit. Congrats!