Wendell tasked me with #3dprinting a modified hard drive bay for his Fractal Design Vector RS case. The modified bay was to securely hold the ICY Dock MB924IP-B with the drives accessible from the top.
Fractal Design Vector RS:
ICY Dock MB924IP-B:
The hardest part was getting it to be sturdy. The ICY DOCK is very heavy empty.
MTL/OBJ files:
Fractal Design Modified HDD Bay final.zip (10.1 KB)
With draft settings and supports, it takes about 4 hours to print on L1’s Prusa i3 MK3 printer.
I think it came out well. The fan is unobstructed, all the cords/switches are accessible, and it doesn’t feel like it’s going anywhere. You can use the SSD bay up top without having to move anything or take the unit out.