144 FPS, not dropping... feels like im playing at 20 fps

Is there maybe some stuff in the AMD tool thingy that might hold it back?

Also maybe disconnect any USB stuff that isn’t essential. Maybe even switch ports for input stuff.

ive turned off/on all the AMD stuff, nothing helps. freesync on/off doesnt help either

Can you run a game offline and cut all networking stuff?

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i can yeah, tho i dont recall the offline games doing it

i ran metro exodus benchmark and here are the results

Well, since you said that fps and frametimes were fine but the games felt sluggish anyway… this might not help a lot.

Can you PLAY something offline?

yeah playing borderlands 3 it feels fine

I guess that gives us a direction then.

What is your networking setup?

its hardwired, 200 down i think? Its charter spectrum. THO keep in mind, this is a more recent thing, the games havent ALWAYS done this.

What’s the ping ingame?

stays around 30-50 depends on the game.

Did you install windows (I assume) fresh with the new PC?

i did yeah

What about input devices? Can you switch those around on USB? Anything else connected aside from keyboard and mouse?

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I am also assuming but are you still using the same monitor? Have you tired a different one to see even if at 60 hz it looks normal.

nope just KB and mouse, ive switched them. BUT playing BL3 and it seems atm that only MP games are doing it, OW will SOMETIMES play smoothly

What monitor are you using?

Assuming you’re using FreeSync, and have Vsync turned on in game settings?

OK, really sounds like a networking thing. You’re connected directly to the router?

(And here comes the meme!)

Have you tried turning it off and on again?

i have yes lol, yeah i am. And ive tried vsync on/off with freesync on/off, nothing fixes