1 Year Linux Challenge



You have to emphasize the hell in RHEL so it has to be “rhell”


New forum member here. :slight_smile:

I am staring a new job in the new year. I have always been an Admin in the MS circle and this new oppertunity will move me away from that. Now I have some linux knowledge, but there is a lot to learn, as there always is.

So in the new year, I will take up this challenge, but I still have to decide between ElementryOS and Ubuntu. I must say, I am going to miss MS Outlook.


Welcome to the forum!

Ubuntu is more mature than Elementary, so its probably a more sane approach towards linux adoption. Elementary looks nicer overall though, but oftentimes its beauty is just skin deep. It is also running the LTS version so if you want the latest software for whatever program you desire, you will have to either get the flatpak/snap/appimage version. But those versions would look different and break the clean look of ElementaryOS.


Looks like I will have to bail on this challenge. I heard that I will be getting a macbook at the new company.


I tried my hand at this a few years ago and failed, but I have been using Linux as my 1st os for both my PC’s and my phones for almost a year now (might even be over a year at this point), so I guess it’s time to go at it again to make it official next year.

Desktop: I’m currently running Kubuntu but after using that, Manjaro, and standard Ubuntu for quite some time I feel like I should have just gone with Arch.

Phone: Pixel 3a running Ubuntu Touch. I really like this setup and I don’t see this changing anytime soon, but I did order the PinePhone Pro, so we’ll have to see if I switch when I get it.

My Linux phone adventures have been posted here:


Congrats man; well done sticking with it!


I have finished the year of full time Linux but keep getting distracted by virtualization, storage, ansible, ect and haven’t gotten around to taking the certification. Last time did boot my windows install (as a vm) I fully realized just how terrible Microsoft’s patching system is



I’d be happy to issue you the badge once you write a blog post summarizing your experiences.


I finally bit the bullet and learned how to install ubuntu along side windows 10. Now has steam, nvidia drivers, and Half Life games installed which will be my only motivation for using linux lol. proton thing sounds cool if it works for windows games considering I still have no reason to move away from my 1st gen ryzen. If the msi dragon center for ubuntu exists I think I’ll be set.


If you want to check out game compatibility with the games YOU play on Proton, try visiting protondb while being logged into Steam. :slight_smile:


I had a flashback the other day. . . Thought about this post. It has been a fun ride. 7yrs in the making


Been using Linux for… reasons (not my first rodeo, have daily-driven Debian-based distros a few times but never continuously for >4-6 months)

> $ stat / | grep "Birth" | sed 's/Birth: //g' | cut -b 2-20
2021-12-10 14:45:20

> $ uname -ar
Linux debian 5.15.0-0.bpo.3-rt-amd64 #1 SMP PREEMPT_RT Debian 5.15.15-2~bpo11+1 (2022-02-03) x86_64 GNU/Linux

> $ lsb_release -a
No LSB modules are available.
Distributor ID:	Debian
Description:	Debian GNU/Linux 11 (bullseye)
Release:	11
Codename:	bullseye

Am I still eligible to the badge if I somehow continue the rest of the year?

Definitely. What distro you thinking of installing?

So I’m new on the forum and gonna try again the 1year linux challange since last year I only did about 2 3months but was dual booting.
I’ve started already 2days ago on fedora 36 KDE spin hopefully will stay on linux for the long run with the steam pushing the gaming industry to make linux more compatible with gaming


I’ve been on and off Linux on the desktop for over a dacade now and toyed around with a pi for quite some time. I would consider my self an advanced beginner. For gaming I’ve set up a virtual machine which runs Windows.


I think I misunderstood the challenge.


And a consistent load average of 21 also… Nice.

Putting that hardware to good use. :metal:

Nice. The only place I can get that kind of runtime is on my NAS… providing the power isn’t out for more than 10 minutes between recharges on the UPS.

What’s really impressing is that was without a ups. Except for micro spikes we have very stable grid here.

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