ZFS special vdev disk

So Im thinking about adding a special vdev, in mirror. I got a few intel s4600 disks here, but im thinking about buying two intel dc p4500 perhaps. but I noticed in the specification that s4600 has lovwer read access time of ~36 us p4500 has ~77us , but much more io and throuput.

for 4k files and metadata the s4600 might not be that bad after all .

what are your thoughts ?

This heavily depends on what your pool looks like now. If you’re on all SSDs, you’ll probably not be helping things. If you’re on rust, it’ll definitely help…

Yes Im on rust, the Q is going to nvme by buy used nvme p4500 disks or use the avaible s4600 sata ssds

What sort of performance are you looking to get out of the pool? Are you going over network? If so, what’s the speed of your uplink?

metadata ! But its a home server to no professional usage, more a convenience, especially directory traversal, browsing lots of small files, thumbnails for images etc that would be nive to have on a ssd.

sata ssd vs nvme ssd

If you can afford the nvme, it’ll be faster.

3x s4600 240GB vs 2x P4500 1TB ( for this lets ignore the size difference and the other advatages)

s4600 has half the read latency 36 vs 77. p4500 has cost. hm

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