YouTube on TV - on a PC (issues)

FYI - Not sure if this is in the correct topic/tag to discuss this.

I am trying to load the YouTube Ten Feet UI on a PC (because my LG WebOS is a siphon of personal data, it shall remain offline until the end of time) by browsing to YouTube TV by using a TV user agent. However I cannot get the UI to load properly, it seems that for whatever reason there are no transparency effects, and I’ve seen that the CSS styles make a reference to “.limited-memory” class, which sets a background-color of #0f0f0;.

Obviously I’m doing something wrong because everything keeps rendered with CSS, and I’m drawing straws here, I’ve used possible browsers and several user strings across multiple computers and nothing works. Has any of you encountered this problem? If so, how did you sort it out?

I’ve done a little bit more digging and noticed that there are certain flags that are assigned while the website is loaded - through Angular.js I believe. I discovered that the culprit is the "force_memory_saving_mode": true loaded in the <script aria-hidden="true" nonce="random_string">window.environment = "{here}"> HTML Head element

    "client_data": {},
    "country": "...",
    "server_time": 1702257754,
    "platform_detail": "PLATFORM_DETAIL_GAME",
    "is_tvhtml5_rtl": false,
    "experiments": [
    "flags": {
     "force_memory_saving_mode": true,

Have not tried yet with a proper proxy tester (e.g. Burp Suite), but just checking if someone has encountered this before and figured out a way?

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