YouTube Collections Extension

If you are a heavy YouTube user like me, this tool is invaluable. It allows you to organize subscriptions on YouTube into categories. Although it does lack a feature of having a separate "feed" for each category, it's better than nothing. It's super simple to setup and looks like this when you have it working.

This is currently only supported on a browser, but it's a start. Maybe some of our code monkeys on the forum could write up a feed system for this.


I'm pretty sure YouTube had the feature a couple years ago and they removed it for no reason at all.


This is true, it was a feature and they removed it for whatever reason.

I guess that is just Google, why innovate when you can remove stuff for no reason and call it a feature. I think they said something about giving YouTube a cleaner look or something at the time or some bs.

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THANK YOU! For years I've been perplexed that this isn't standard. You've just made my life a bit easier! Another thing is, how to manage a playlist with 1000+ videos. Got a handy plugin for that?