Your views on life and death


That has to be the most morbid +1 ever.  :S 

Death and taxes, everything else is moot.

I hope we can find a way to perpetually lengthen our Telomeres. That combined with localized injections of easily grown stem cells will keep us young until we, well, die. I'd just like to rule the old age part out of it. :)

Well death is just an event, it happens and I won't fight and I won't be scared of it. I don't know what will happen when I'm dead, but I'm prepared for it when it comes. I live my life to what I'm satisfactory with, of course I will try to do more than satisfactory, but beyond that it's just a luxery. I can only hope to die with no regrets, knowing that I have some how made more of a difference on Earth and to the people around me......... And to hopefully go down with a shotgun in my hand fighting off hordes and hordes of zombie to my last dying breath like a badass.

There is a lot after that, but I think it is not appropriate to tell the rest of the history, which involves taking him to some prostitutes due to his request. :P

I died once, and i saw my skull burning into the flames (mirror like) and voice told me that it's not my time yet, slammed me to the ground back in my body with huge speed and acceleration, after i got back, i become better person :).

I also spoke with person trough telephaty without opening our mouth, and she told me that she will die that day, and that happened, we was speaking in the room with 4 more persons.

I also remember when i was not human lol.

Hope it helps lol. :D

Life is a sexually transmitted terminal disease.

Take care of those around you and of yourself. Think critically of your choices and their impact on others, yourself and your surroundings. Beware of dragons, for you are crunchy and taste good with ketchup.

Everything that you think you know you carry in your head. What you call reality is "just" an arrangement of atoms in your brain. When you die all that goes away, including the meaning of life and death. In a way the entire universe begins with life and ends with death. The moment when you realize this can be terrifying but it's part of the human experience. In the past cultures dealt with the death problem by creating religions, which is just a way of tricking the brain into ignoring it.

By the way, even if we manage to reverse aging and cure all sickness, the average life expectancy would be only about 1000 years before dying in through accident/war/murder. Immortality is an escapist dream. There is no life without death. Accept it, move on, eat some ice cream.

As for life itself:

I used to be scared of it, but then I just thought that its inevitable, why worry about it? It is going to happen whether you like it or not.
In that kind of sence it makes everything okay, nothing to worry about. 

I wonder what will happen afterwards. We are all made with atoms, which form compunds, which form cells, which make up tissues, which make up organs, which make If we are all atoms, and so is the rest of the world, will we become Earth when we die? Maybe "heaven" is just us becoming one with the Earth. Another thing that I wonder about is if the future is actually predictable. Our bodies rely on the chemical reactions and interactions between the atoms that make up our body. Such events are directly linked to energy. Our thoughts, intentions, and emotions rely on energy. This energy affects the movement of our atoms, which affects the amount of chemical reactions that happen. Our thoughts, intentions, and emotions are chemical reactions within our body. Its a circle essentially. So maybe a loud speaker affects us more than a quiet one. Maybe 5 lightbulbs turned on affect us more than just one. So if we keep track of everything that makes up the Universe, atoms and energy, we could maybe effectively predict the future, because that way, we can track the movement of all energy and atoms to see how the repercussions affect the surrounding atoms. Its a chain reaction. Its quiet cool. How can you sense someone 3 feet away? Theyre not touching you. Theyre atoms are not interacting with yours. There are atoms between you and this other person, so how can we sense them? Energy sounds like a safe bet to me. Maybe I'm overthinking this. Im sure this is incredibly confusing to follow. 

Most people get caught up in the eternity after death while they forget the eternity before they were born. Pondering what you were before you existed will answer as much as after you cease.