Your thoughts of the new style of Windows updates?

Windows already tried that with Windows 8 remember? If you got a PC with Windows 8 pre-installed, you couldn't install anything else. Some sort of DRM or something. They didn't want you dual booting. And I also think it bricked your PC or something if you tried to do it.

It's what contributed to me missing Windows 8 all together.

You might be thinking of Secure Boot.

Secure Boot is a system for preventing the UEFI from booting into an untrusted operating system, through the use of secure-boot keys in EFI. It is a security feature that can prevent a system from booting into a LiveCD or into a system that has a rootkit installed. Further reading:

It's been enabled by default on all OEM systems since Windows 8 (and yes, all Windows 10 OEM builds).

In effect you have to boot into Windows to get to the EFI, where you can turn Secure Boot off.

HowToGeek has an article about it's implementation in Windows 8-10:

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Yes! That was what I was thinking about. I found it to be a bigger pain that it was led to be. Considering I have tried to dual boot many machines with that crap on it.