XP Service Pack 3 Installation Failure

I’m trying to install Service Pack 3 for Windows XP, and it keeps failing for some reason. Wondering if anyone can tell me why.

It keeps saying Access is denied, and then gives these messages:

I’ve ran the package installer on an administrator account, two in fact, and I’ve even ran it in safe mode, with the exact same results. I really don’t know what’s going on here.

I know it’s really outdated, but I’m trying to get everything up to date as much as possible for the least amount of vulnerabilities, the most functionality, etc…

It’s on a computer btw, it’s not in a VM.
Home Edition x86

I usually slipstream the SPs and do a clean install. You can do it with Windows Updates Downloader and nLite both of which are free.

If you don’t have your CD key you can get it from your running installation with Magic Bean Keyfinder.

Managed to find some ghetto factory reset disc images, and used those. Re-downloaded the Service Packs, and have not had the issue since.

I assume it was from or because of a bad download.