so let me get this straight after microsoft and sony discontinue service on the 2 consoles, because they have to be connected to microsoft and sony's servers are they useless and can no longer be played unless a hack/mod comes out within that time ( do I have this straight or am I misunderstanding this)
If this is true then unleash the hookers for celabration!
All of your games are stored in the "fart" and gaming is a service, You just need to keep paying to keep playing. They underpowered them because they know they will just be streaming devices in a few years then become irrelevant since an average 8K TV will have many times the computing power of these boxes.
By the time it happens nobody will care.
To keep this conversation short.
if Microsoft and Sony were to theoretically shut down Xbox Live, And PS Network. you would be incapable of playing Online. HOWEVER you are still capable of playing your games offline just like any regular console. a hack or mod isn't required. maybe it would be required to play online... but not offline.
Your devout and blind hatred for consoles is justified. but since you believe consoles are incredibly bad, and funny enough you seem to have convenient amnesia. last i checked the Playstation 2 had life-span of 13 years. it was released in 2000 and discontinued in 2013.
For something to have that long of a life-span. that is FAR from being terrible. Not even PC hardware has that much support they get killed off at most 5 years.. and not even Nintendo has had a console with that long of a life-span. and they are the most preferred console in the "PC Master Race Community"
Consoles aren't terrible. they have their uses. that living-room / playing with all your friends in your house experience. can't and won't be replicated by any "Gaming PC"
I don't think that consoles will ever die off in the world for the same reason that we will always have trash collectors. There will always be plebs in the world and they need entertaining. Although its definitely overpriced and a crap experience and feels like wading through mud when playing video games it keeps the potatoes happy and that's all they need. We need stupid people as much as we need smart ones, if everyone was a genius than we'd have no one to do the crappy jobs that educated people deem 'below them'. For the same reason we need console peasants to give semi decent game companies money, even if these semi decent game companies are crappy sometimes a that budget will be spent a little on making really good games that can run better on pc than they ever will on a console. I've never owned a console so I can deem myself superior. Check your privilege. Trigger trigger
Jesus I haven't bagged console players like that in ages. feels good man
To be fair though the PS2 was probably the last time a good console has been released. All the ones after it have not been nearly as good IMO. Maybe someday we will get something of that caliber in a console again, but probably not. lol
i say its ok. They'll get better... the poor performance is only because current engine programmers still haven't got around the new environment... it was always like that. PS4 and Xbone are much more powerful than their predecessors. DX12 and Vulkan will help in the process of optimizing...
(ps3 had cutting edge ibm cell cpu in its time, but gpu performance wasn't that good... they used nvidia ... and xbox360 had ati... which was much better)
Problem is that neither one have PPC anymore so they can't pull the same shit that the used to be able to. The PPC stuff survived so long because the parts were custom and were unfamiliar to devs so as their life went on because devs kept learning new ways to leverage the hardware (look at the Wii U running almost the exact same hardware as the Wii which was a GameCube is a new box). Not the case with X86 it has enough documentation that it can be fully leveraged right out of the gate, no hidden performance here
what hatred? (Nothing I said was to do with PC v Console, That's just the way your prejudiced mind interpreted it maybe). Who will be bothered to install games to solid storage when its faster and more convenient to stream (in 8K). By the time current consoles bite the dust streaming will be the only way you'll be able to play new AAA games on ANY platform and you wont mind. By then maybe the landscape will have changed completely.
Also I love my consoles (NES,SNES,Genesis,Saturn,Dreamcast,PS1,PS2,Wii,GC,360,3DO,XBox,Odyssey2,Colecovision,PSP,Master System,Gamegear,GBA,DSiXL,GBC,GB).
This hatred. or whatever word you prefer. ANY console gamer would take offense to this. how would you feel if i told you, No one will care for Intel CPU once AMD Drops Zen based CPUs. or the exact opposite. No one will care for AMD in 5 years.
You can't even say that "By the time it happens nobody will care" you don't know every single console gamer to confirm that. just cause you jumped on the PC band-wagon and have had a better investment and experience. that doesn't mean Console gaming is "Terrible" or "No one will care". Consoles are still selling whether you like it or not. and like i said, that "Living Room / Let's bring some friends over play some games in your house" Experience isn't going away. and it can't be replicated by a Gaming PC, because PC games don't allow you to split screen. and to keep the argument short you probably aren't going to take up 8 USB ports for a Keyboard and Mouse. if Split-screen gaming on PC were possible.
That's fine and i agree. BUT there is one thing you have forgotten. NOT everyone has fast internet. and the way ISPs are acting now you think we are going to get fast internet soon? hell no. the ISPs are going to fight it. if Streaming is the future, which it may be who knows. We can't say anything and only time will tell. the first problem that must be solved is fast internet before Streaming ever does take over. especially since the failure that was "OnLive" so we DEFINITELY can't make that prediction.
And We've got a LOOOOOONG way before we start getting reasonable 8K Machines. so that will be at MOST 5 or 6 years, considering how much of an issue 4K gaming is already, cause you need two R9-290s/290x cards and or 2 GTX 970s or a GTX Titan to get anything that's worth considering.
"By the time it happens nobody will care."
This means ,when It happens you will welcome it because it will be better than what came before, Every one of your games will be accessible wherever you are and there is a screen, virtual or not.
"We've got a LOOOOOONG way before we start getting reasonable 8K Machines. so that will be at MOST 5 or 6 years"
Yes... this is when we are discussing, some time in the next 10 years or has the PS4 lifespan been foreshortened?
If AR takes off and progresses you wont look back also.
Fast internet is a right in most decent countries, Giving away your rights is never a good idea.
Now is more about them learning/tweaking their own engines.
Programmers have quite recently discovered a new trick with the ZX Spectrum, something that was unheard of since release in 1982.
C64 with Mayhem In Monsterland is also a case in point.
When you work with limits you find ways, You cant program for specific tricks in a PC graphics card since that would only work on a specific card and system config so even though x86 it's still a different proposition.
If the only graphics card released in the last 10 years was a 7800 GTX you would see some amazing performance squeezed out of it, But why bother, just throw some more power on it (and rightly so).