[WTS] Sarge's Surplus

Interested in the ripper combo. Still available?

Sure is, shoot me a DM.

DM Shot :slight_smile:

Guessing you haven’t sold everything, so friendly bump!

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Thanks, I have sold a couple things, but not quite everything.

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So $510 for the TR 1950x + x399 Taichi + Noctua NH-U14S TR4-SP3? Did you sell those yet? Thinking it might be an option for a data center in a box, that I can run on-demand alongside my future ARM cluster.

I’ll need to find a kit of 128GB of ECC memory and a rando GPU (probably something along the lines of RX550 or RX560). I am slightly interested, I especially like the idea of having many PCI-E lanes, enough for a NVME array, a GPU, a passed-through USB NIC and have enough left for other random stuff + a spinning rust array. What kinda scares me is a 140W idle power consumption (probably approaching 200W idle with all the things I want to add to it).

I don’t know, if it’s not sold and nobody will buy it in a month or 2, I might buy it from you. I’m getting bored at home (I went through a few interviews, I think all went pretty smooth, hoping to not be jobless anymore soon).


Oh, update: the threadripper/x399 has been sold.

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Friendly bump and :frowning: on threadripper disappearance.

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Don’t worry, it’s in good hands (mine). :smiling_imp:


WHAAA HAAA HAAAA Evil laugh he he he

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about time you got a real processor


Don’t worry, it will be just my secondary PC / my testing ground. I’ll still be daily driving the Pi 4.