Hello everyone!
I recently got an R9 380 4G and was trying to play Wild Hunt at my monitors native 1080p, however I can't seem to get the game to be fullscreen properly at 1080p. I was previously running at 1280x768 and it fits my screen just fine. Now when I up the resolution to 1080p it just makes the image larger, and extends it beyond the bottom and right edges of my monitor.
This is the game at 1280x768
And this is the game at 1080p
If anyone can offer any advice or help that would be awesome!
Thanks for reading,
Go to the AMD drivers and see if there is not some weird custom resolution. If you find some, delete them.
Not knowing how you installed your drivers after swapping GPUs it may be worth doing a clean install of the GPU drivers. Either with the clean install option from the driver installer, I use that with the nVidia drivers all the time. Alternatively there's the DDU uninstaller tool that can do both AMD/vNidia at the same time.
Go to Guru3D.com and look to the right side for a download link.
Thanks for the suggestions, I'll look through the driver settings.
I used DDU before installing the new card, and installed the catalyst drivers, crimson was giving me stuttering in GTA V.
Thanks for the replys!
Thanks for the respones, I found the fix.
Turning virtual super resolution off fixed it.