my buddy is using wireless internet on his desk top computer because his parents dont want to run wires through the wall, he keeps getting lagspikes and we have tried troubleshooting the issues. My laptop on the same wireless connection has no lag issues and i am now wondering what the issues could be.
Any metals nearby? Aluminum of any kind can cause interference. Might also consider running a cleanup, and a network reset with 'netadapter repair' on You can reset all stuffs on the connection and maybe see if its software related first
If so go to settings-network-and then the proxy tab and turn off auto detect. I can not tell you what all the setting windows 10 messes with on proxy auto detect but it can fuck with the ability to connect or have a stable connection.
Mine internet is 100/100 and this is mine speedtest over router 1 (huawei one), powerline living room, powerline bedroom (other side of the house), router 2 (old dlink dr600) and finally the PC:
I have one SilverStone wifi kit with 9db Antena (from before the powerline) but speed is half and ping way higher, so I start not using it.
try the router's log file(might now show the data you want depending on the router sadly). If he's spamming the router with invalid packages, you're kind of screwed. This happens at times, albeit mostly when using the onboard intel wireless cards. It is piss annoying but there is nothing you can do other then try and update the drivers, and hope for the best. My laptop has problems beyond anything staying connected to wireless, wired, no problems what so ever.