Wireless electricity transmission circuit

So to make this circuit you will need:

  1. NPN Transistor. I used 2N3904 but you could use any NPN transistor. Most commonly you could find BC 337, BC547 etc. (Any PNP transistor would work, just reverse the polarity of the connections.)

  2. Magnet wire or insulated wire. About 3-4 feet of wire or less should be enough. (Magnet wires are just copper wires with very thin enamel insulation) You could find wires from most electronics, like transformers inside CFC Bulbs, inside speakers, inside motors, inside relays etc.

3)Resistor 1 Kilo Ohm. This resistor would be used to protect the transistor from burning out in case of overload or excess usage ad heat. You could use higher values upto 4-5 Kilo OHM. You could even decide not to use a resistor, but that would draw in more amps, thus draining your battery faster.

  1. L.E.D light . I used a 2 mm Ultra Bright White L.E.D. You could use any L.E.D (Light Emitting Diode). For this circuit, the L.E.D only shows the circuit in action.

  2. A 1.5 Volt AA Battery . ( Do not use batteries of higher voltage unless you want to damage your transistor.)

Tools needed:

  1. Scissors or knife.

  2. Soldering Iron (Optional). If you don’t have a soldering iron, you could just twist the wires and leads for connection. That’s what I used to do when I didn’t have soldering iron. If you want to try the circuit on solderless breadboard, you are good to go.

  3. Lighter (Optional). We will be using lighter to burn off the insulation from the wire, then just use a scissor or a knife to scrape off the insulation.
