At work I built a Linux based Windows deployment server. It runs on a PROXMOX hypervisor using Ubuntu LXC Containers.
- isc-dhcp-server handles DHCP
- tftp-hpa handles TFTP
- apache handles HTTP
- SAMBA handles SMB (only has one account)
This uses iPXE and I setup each service in it’s own LXC (no real reason).
I configured four 10Gig ports, two pairs bonded in fail-over then assigned the bonded interfaces to a Linux Bridge assigning this to each LXC container.
Each pair of fail-over NICs go to a pair of CISCO Meraki MS225’s. If one NIC fails it should fail-over to the other for both switches. (I disabled RSTP on the switch ports. Wondering if that could be the problem) This PROXMOX network configuration let’s me have 10Gig redundant to both switches while maintaining one network subnet.
I have a lightly modified version of WinPE where a very rudimentary script runs when WinPE finishes loading:
@echo off
echo Connecting to SMB Server.
net use n: \\\windows password /user:\username
if %errorlevel% equ 0 (goto :IMAGE) else (goto :CONNECTING)
This operation is performed 20+ times simultaneously 20~25 times a day.
What’s strange is the times when errors 53 and 1231 will appear. If it isn’t abundantly clear there’s a physical network disconnection 15 to 20 clients at a time will loop error 53 or 1231 for several minutes before connecting and DISM starts deployment. Meanwhile I have no problems during iPXE netboot into WinPE.
For some reason WinPE is having DHCP or SMB connection issues that only solve themselves after several minutes of waiting. I’m wondering if there’s a clear underlying cause.
Could it be because I only have a /24 subnet and I’m running out of IP’s? isc-dhcp-server not releasing the old ones?
Could it be a limited number of connections put in place by SAMBA? There’s only one account they all use so the server sees the same user connecting from 20+ different IP’s all at once again and again. Is it a artificial SAMBA limitation?
All input is appreciated. If I missed important details just ask.