hey all
im using ubuntu 20.04 with wine 5 stable and gnome
wine run great from terminal
but when i try to change the default application to open exe files with wine there are no results
how can i make wine open exe as default ?
You are sure Wine is not listed in the “view all applications” button?
nope… if i type wine and hit select it opens with disk manager
so without searching wine, you don’t have listings in the apps for “wine browser” and “wine installer”?
I’d re-install, and unless you have already changed some setings, purge.
but that’s because I get a bunch of options listed.
You could create a dummy file and see what that gives?
I presume you tried both options from the right click (context) menu, the “other applications” and the Properties -> open with…
searching wine in gnome or open with ends in no results. yes i tried both options and get no result.
no i have not changed any settings. i only installed wine and winetricks.
alos tried now a full wine32/64 reinstall and same.
i cant even open with “run in terminal” cause i cant find any way of that.
if i try to type “gnome-terminal” or terminal results nothing.
I don’t have any option for open in terminal- unless it is a folder/location /
Maybe change the permission to make the file exacutable?
else just make a shortcut script that runs like example:
“wine program.exe”
and just use the shortcut instead of the exe?
found the problem !
“Actually the launcher is misplaced in Ubuntu 18+, Ubuntu made a mistake, all the other distributions based on ubuntu including linux mint inherited the bug, nobody cared to fix”
sudo ln -s /usr/share/doc/wine/examples/wine.desktop /usr/share/applications/
this fixes the problem
after that gnome finds “wine” at the results and opens fine