Greetings folks.
So i am trying to figure out whether the issue is human error, hardware, or maybe am just asking to much from something i don’t understand.
Every night i turn my monitors off and the next morning when i turn them back on, all the window placements i have all go to hell.
My work flow:
I was using Windows 10 until recently when Windows 11 said this kinda thing was supposed to be fixed. I use Virtual Desktop to run 5 different desktops. The main desktop i will have several apps open on. The other 4 are each dedicated to a Remote Desktop Client so i can flip through my different work flows. At the end of the day i turn off the monitors using a switch on a power strip. Come in the next morning and most are in a little box in the top left. occasionally one or two windows might be where i left them. This also includes the windows inside the remote desktop instances. I even tried Power Toys Fancy Zones on both the main machine and on the remote desktop machines and the issue is still present. I thought Windows 11 and/or Fancy Zones where supposed to remember windows when disconnect? or is my scenario a unique one? I have the check boxes check for it to “remember settings” but i have to think i am doing something else wrong since i cannot really find any recent complaints? I am trying to get video of it while i try my testing.
1 Samsung G9
2 Dell U2719DX
1 Level1tech 4 port 1.4 DisplayPort KVM
The Samsung is connected to the KVM, The two Dell monitors are using daisy chaining into the primary computer.
Thanks Wendell. I guess i wasn’t to clear in my original post but i am currently on the Windows 11 Preview build and its still doing the windows rearranging when turning off the monitors. So is that feature turned on in the Preview build? And for the couple of Windows 10 machines i have, Fancy Zones is not keeping the windows. So i guess i am hearing that this should be working, but its not for me so it makes me question what this is actually supposed to do.
That is correct. Although i finally read the second check box and that might be part of my problem. I had both checkboxes checked. So I changed that and now have:
“Remember window locations based on monitor connection” Checked and “Minimize windows when a monitor is disconnected” unchecked
After my first test of turning off the monitors Virtual Desktop 1 seems to bring the windows back however the other Virtual Desktops all go to the little square in the top left corner, so kinda fix? i will do some more testing tomorrow.
Greetings. Here is the recording. As you can see when i turn the monitor on and off on Virtual Desktop #1 not all windows go back to the original locations. Sorry for the picture that pop up. there was some windows that were not open originally that popped up and had data i didn’t want displayed. As for the other Virtual Desktops you can see one seemed to keep its windows in place but the rest either all went to the top left or went into thin tall windows. Also one of those remote sessions had Fancy Zones enabled and it wasn’t the one where the windows stayed put, that one was running Windows Server 2019. all other remote sessions are running Windows 10.
Thanks for the help
PS, i apologize for the lousy camera work, i am an armature when it comes to these things.