Windows Host Application [SOLVED]

Hello, and thank you Gnif for Looking Glass.

I have a Windows KVM set up according to the Arch Linux wiki. I have Looking Glass (B1) installed, and the Windows host application on my Windows VM. I went through this procedure ( to have it auto-start on login (I have W10 set to auto-login).

When I run the Looking Glass client in Linux, it never receives anything from the host in the VM.
How do I tell if the Looking Glass host in the VM is running? Can it be run manually? Do I have to remove the Spice viewer from the VM in order to get this going?


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Also, when I double-click the looking-glass application in Windows 10 in the VM, it asks for admin privileges, and then nothing happens. No terminal, nothing.

Ok, now I feel dumb. I did not remove the QXL video device. After I removed that, Looking-Glass worked fine. Closing this.


Glad you figured it out, and put the answer in!

– every PC enthusiast ever at least once a week


me … all the time
