Basically my pc is just freezing randomly. Sometimes you will get hours sometimes it won’t get past the log in screen. When it does freeze the only way to solve it is to hold down the power button.
This problem has basically rendered my machine useless
Is the only solution to this a full re install?
We will need to see the system and application event logs from the time of a freeze. Always the first place to start with troubleshooting Windows. In the event viewer their is also a view called administrative events that shows a filtered view of all errors on the system.
Okay, I am interested in the “Kernel-Power” events. If you could look in one of those and copy the contents into a post or just right click on the event log and save the whole thing into a file then save it into Dropbox or similar and link it. Of course this is your information and the decision to share it is yours.
I had this problem after the latest update. I updated mouse driver, GPU driver, and everything. I still had the problem. I went into my power settings and found out my hard disk would turn off after 20 minutes. I set the hard disk to never turn off and the problem was fixed.
@anon75264233 Apologies will try to use snipping tool from now on, was just taking photos as it was quicker to get an image rather than doing restarting the machine load to get a time where it doesn’t freeze
@strykerzr350 Thanks for that mine where set to 20 minutes as well so switched it to off will see if that helps
@thevillageidiot I’ve included a screenshot of the drives I wouldn’t say they are crazy full.
Once a drive is 85% full then weird stuff might start to occur. Your system drive is only about half full, so it shouldn’t be locking up do to be nearly out of space.
Now when my system would hang and freeze it would just stop working. Mouse cursor would not move, all hard drive activity would stop, nothing. I left it froze overnight and it did not come back on.
Only thing I could do is hold the power button down and start it again.
I am curious to know if you guys are running windows defender or not ? I only see this issue at new install or refresh before I bring in my own av, start config the system my way and start stripping cortana and other nonsense out of the system.
I only see this issue at stock windows and I am getting ready to nuke and rebuild. I may put some time into this. It will grossly slow down my rebuild.