Windows 10 Installer Won't Recognize SSds

So I picked up an Acer Spin SP313-51N a few weeks ago for a new daily driver at work. It comes with a 500gb NVME m.2 drive by default. I ordered up a 1 TB 970 evo plus knowing my work requirements. Plop the new drive in and boot to a freshly created Windows 10 install media. (USB created with Microsoft Media Creation tool). Once in the installer the new drive is not detected.

I open the laptop up and install both the orignial drive and my new drive. Boot into windows and both drives are detected and usable. Boot back to the Windows 10 installer and neither are present. Both drives are detected in BIOS as well. I have attempted to the do the comand prompt/disk part trick found on Google with no luck. I created another Windows 10 install media using an external SATA SSD and still having the same issues. No m.2 drives detcted within the Windows 10 installer.

I checked the Acer support page and am unable to locate any sort of m.2/storage drive to load in the Windows installer.

I have checked the BIOS several times and do not see any obvious setting needed to change. I don’t have the option to change to UEFI/RAID boot as mentioned in several other articles. Any and all ideas would be appreciated. Thanks.

welp… Found the solution boys and girls. Turns out 11th gen processors need some extra love to get hard drives detected.

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