So I was like mmmkay. I then clicked on Usage Details. Boom. I used almost 40GB of Chrome internet in the past 30 days. The list just goes down from there, highest used app to the lowest one.
I scrolled though the list, seeing apps use only bytes of data. Then the last thing on the list is 'System' with 44.6GB of usage.
Looks like Microshaft is hiding the operating systems usage or something because of the way it is at the very bottom of the list.
I wonder if that is MY data that Micro$haft uploaded to their servers.
How much data have you used this month for those of you who are still in 2015?
this is the last 30 days for me, and my computer has been on pretty much 24/7, but i have it all turned off and strict firewall settings. this doesn't include Virtual machine downloads though (for some reason) which would be all my chrome etc usage... only just realised...
Have you guys disabled the update feature that's on by default that essentially uses your computer to upload to other windows 10 computers if not that might be the reason be behind it. If you haven't disabled it go into the advance options of the windows update then click choose how updates are delivered then either set it to local only or just turn off completely
Not sure how many Australian customers destroy there data cap and get a $1000+ dollar bill because by default Microsoft turns you into a torrent hub for them.
yea just updated my machine, used 10gbs, but didn't change many of my settings. if you got the update earlish before it reset all your telemetry etc settings and the later updates they removed that because of the stink it created.
i think the CHROME usage is actually false reporting... many F2P games use chromium in the launcher and every time you install games, the data goes thru the chrome app thinghie.... maybe some programmers cand explain it better :)
I'm fairly certain you can set your networks to metered connections in the network settings and do a lot to avoid that problem. Not that data caps make any sense to begin with.