Windows 10 - cannot delete folder

I accidently installed a program into the wrong folder. It is now installed in Program instead of somewhere else (mind the tailing space). However, now I am unable to delete said folder because Windows does not like tailing spaces. PowerShell doesn’t seem to recognise it…

Any ideas?

[edit, too late to the party] Did you put the name/ full path in quotes in powershell?

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A couple of reboots and total commander did the trick :slight_smile:

@Trooper_ish I did, powershell didn’t care

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Nice. Today I learnt Windows will create folders with trailing spaces, and that will totally mess me up if I do it. Thanks in advance from future me!

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And today I’ve learned that it is called tRailing space, not tailing space even though the thing that sticks out of my dogs butt is called tail and not trail :smiley:

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well, it doesn’t leave a tail of mess on the floor behind it when it has too much veg(or the runs)?

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