Windows 10 Backup Solution

Hello everyone I am having a hard time finding a solution that will do what I am trying to do. I want a solution that can do daily backups of multiple drives in my PC's(More than one computer) to my Windows Server 2012 R2 File Share. Is this possible and for free? It seems Acronis Backup 12.5 does what I want but for a large sum of money. Anything cheaper or free? I am so sick of finding cloud crap, I DON'T want a cloud backup.

Maybe check out for Bvckup 2. It's a pretty simple software that let you choose what to backup, where and when without any headache (and including outside computers also. I used it for some time with a NAS). Don't know if that would suit your need but it's the one I'm using and it works well.

Use Syncthing.

It is github hosted and works with a webgui. Other interfaces are available. Syncthing is more sync oriented than backup software but the concepts are similar minus the explicit archiving and versioning.

A lazier alternative is to do robocopy C:\junk Q:\junk /mir and stick that in a file called backup.bat and set up a scheduled task.

I use Syncthing with staggered versioning, I'm only doing specific folders though.
Not to server though, but between various machines. Could work for you though.

Have you even looked at the built in backup in Window 10? It's badass. It'll do all you want and more.
Just install a separate drive in your computer for the backup.

I use this on 50+ systems. Great solution