The fact they give instructions on how to build it yourself not just download an ISO seems more trustworthy. Its been a while and it seems the process has been refined.
What do you guys think? I thought id drop something interesting.
So here the thing I dont like these builds for a couple reasons
It disables a lot of things that are functionally there for security but people have to get rid of it for the ultimate privacy effect.
now I do understand that disabling Windows update is pretty key to that in serving updates as a side load and A server you can control to provide them as a peer.
I understand a lot of the shortcomings that have been previously mentioned on this forum and I don’t want to see them posted as I do generally tend to agree with them.
I’m primarily posting this as an update to show oh hey they’re still working on it It’s still pretty good for what it is It’s definitely something I would never use.
to functionally gimp windows seems pretty counterproductive I know there’s people that love to be counterproductive so I kind of posted this for them. honestly if you have to go to the point of this script I feel that you should just install Linux and learn another operating system that respects your freedoms.
That said this is there for those who want to create such a build and have such a complicated setup.
I mean they hacked pcie compatibility into mindows 95, they’re gunna mod windows 10. Nad while, for some reason, people complain that features are missing from windows, oh dear god, at the end of the day all windows is is na app framework so you can run something that says exe at the end.
I’ll probably be using this for streaming. I actually can’t stand how shit normal windows 10 is for that. I’d be a little bummed about game bar tho. Thats one feature I use A FUCKING TON, as well as xbox chat and console play.
Moving to linux after being in windows for long enough… I mean if a user is doing this its either out of curiosity, or their batshit like me and see how to use it immediately. For sure this isn’t gunna be wide spread. Equally, I don’t really recommend ppl use linux if they are comfy just modding windows, specifically w10. 8 was my personal favorite, but eh. I think if someone is willing to do this, moreover, they’re making w10 into wxp. 7 had some shit hidden in it that I didn’t like, XP tho would just turn on and sit there. Thats it. Wouldn’t ask shit, tho the wifi tool might break a few times.
Building modern wxp vs running linux rae two way way different things.